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Papyrus POV

  Sleeping in the woods was scary, but I felt a little more safe being with Mettaton. I couldn't believe that our lives were changing so suddenly. Just last night we were cuddling in our bed together in our own home. I didn't want to give it up, but more importantly, I didn't want to give Mettaton up.
  Once we were both awake, we continued to wander around in the woods, hand in hand. We had no idea where we were going. All we could do was continue to walk and hope that we would find somewhere to stay. I definitely didn't want to spend another night sleeping in the woods.
  I felt so hopeless and lost. Mettaton deserves better then this. I could tell he was exhausted. Mettaton had never spent anywhere near this much time in the woods. I just couldn't understand why he was doing this for me.
  We walked all day long, until it began to grow dark again. The night was beginning to get cold and my legs ached from walking for so many hours.
  Mettaton dropped down to his knees and began sobbing, wrapping his arms around himself.
  "Mettaton! Are you okay?" I asked him as I wrapped my arms around him.
  "I..I don't want to spend another night in the woods. It's so cold and dark and my legs are feelings so weak....I just wanna go home..." He sobbed.
  "Mettaton....I want to go home too...but it's too late we're too far away...." I frowned. "Do you just want to rest here? You look so tired..."
  "I can't sleep in the woods again! I just can't...." He wailed.
  "Mettaton we'll walk for a little more...I promise we'll figure something out...somehow.." I said, lifting him into his feet.
  The night grew colder we continued to walk. I held Mettaton close against me to keep him warm. I could tell that he was holding back tears.
Suddenly Mettaton lifted his head, making me jump from the sudden movement.
"Papyrus! There's a light over there! I think it might be a town or someone's house!" He said with hopefulness, as he pointed to a clearing with light.
  We both ran as fast as our feet could take us. We both were ready to break down into tears once we realized that we were in an all new town. We made it. We finally found a new place to start over, or at least start something new.
It was a cute little town with multiple shops. Mettaton was a celebrity, so we decided to head into the closest clothing store we could find. The clothing wasn't anything too special, but we needed to disguise ourselves just to be safe.
  Mettaton wore a backwards hat and dressed up into a pair of dark skinny jeans, and wore a button up blue and black plaid shirt. He cut his hair, giving him a more masculine look. His hair was still long at the top, almost like a teenage pop star's hair style. He looked like just an average guy, a very hot guy to be honest, nhehe. He washed off all of his makeup, and put in a nose ring and lip ring to complete the look. He looked so different, but we needed to do it. He still looked super attractive with his new look.
  I wore a beanie so you couldn't tell if I had hair or not. Along with it, I wore a black, short sleeved shirt and a jean jacket. I also wore blue jeans, and black shoes.
  Looking at each other, we knew that it would take some getting use to. But it's the first step of starting a new life together.

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