The tree

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  Mettaton POV

  Papyrus grabbed my hand as we ran away from this new life we created. I knew that our family would have many questions about where we went and why we looked the way we did, but that didn't matter. We needed to get home.
We ran through the darkness, blindly, through the woods the way we went to get to this place. Papyrus didn't slow down at all, but I was breathless. It didn't matter to me, though. I wanted to get home as soon as possible.
"I can't believe we ever ran away..." papyrus cried as he continued to run.
We continued our running for I don't even know how long. It seemed endless.
I froze suddenly, causing Papyrus to nearly fall over as he tugged on my hand. I stood there and stared. It was the tree. The tree with the rope tied to it.
I fell down to my knees and broke into tears. This is why we did all this. I wanted to prevent Papyrus from killing him self. I couldn't take the chance of losing him.
" where it all started..." I whimpered, out of breath. "What if you try to do this again? What if the pain never ends?"
Papyrus kneeled next to me. He stared at the tightly tied noose, just like I was. He sighed, before looking back at me.
"Honestly Mettaton, I've matured a lot since I met you. You've changed my life completely. I was in so much pain when all those monsters were yelling at us and I wanted to kill myself. I thought running away with the one i love would solve everything. I thought that all of our problems would suddenly disappear. Honestly, if we continued to run away then I would've killed my self. But now that we are back, I realize what I have. Life should be better now. We can't keep running away..."
I stared at him for a moment as I processed what he had just said to me. He was right. He really had matured. He was even more mature then I was.
I wrapped my arms around him and held him tight. I was so scared of losing him. I was scared of many things. I was sick of living in fear. I was sick of running away.
Once we pulled away from the hug, we stared at each other with intense determination in our eyes. Everything felt so right.
  Since we were exhausted from all of the running, we decided to continue relaxing for a little bit. Not much was said, there wasn't really anything to be said. We knew this was what we needed to do. Staring at the rope flashed images of when he was hanging by his neck in that tree, but those images were slowly fading as we held each other in our arms.
  "Are you ready to go home?" Papyrus asked as he began to stand up, his hand in mine. I felt like a princess. Even after all we've been through, my feelings for him was still strong. In fact, it was stronger then ever.
  "I'm definitely ready," I smiled confidently.
  We held our hands together firmly before we continued to run home. For the first time since this whole thing had happened, Papyrus and I were laughing. We ran and ran and laughed our hearts out. I felt like myself again. This clothing I was wearing to disguise myself wasn't me. I needed my fabulous clothing and my flawless makeup back.
  "Papyrus! Look! It's Sans' house!" I screamed and pointed excitedly, nearly breaking into tears.
  "The lights are on! He's home!" He shouted, his voice trembling.
  He both ran with all of our might until we stopped right in front of the doorstep.
  "We made it...." he gasped as he covered his face. I could see him fighting back tears.
  "Are you ready?" I asked him with a smile.
  He nodded back. This was it. We made it. I took his hand before we both knocked on the door together.

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