The Media

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Sans POV

    "Yesterday morning the famous actor and singer Mettaton and his boyfriend Papyrus were missing from their home and are no where to be found. There has been reports of protests against the celebrity and his lover, but it is unknown what the exact cause of their disappearance is.There is reason to believe that they may have been kidnapped by one of these protesters, but it is impossible to be sure as of now. If you have any thing to report to help in the investigation, please contact the police right away,"

  We all sat on the couch watching the news in silence. Word had spread fast about their disappearance. People were constantly asking us questions, but we had no answers. We had nothing. I wanted to help in anyway to find my brother and Mettaton but I just couldn't. I knew nothing about how or why they disappeared. I just wanted them to be safe.
  We continued to stare at the tv in silence, even though the story on Mettaton and Papyrus's disappearance was already over. None of us knew what to say. There was nothing we could say in this moment. All we could do was hope.
  The silence was broken when we heard loud noises coming from outside. We all knew exactly what it was. The media wouldn't leave us alone. Reporters and journalists were constantly showing up at our homes to ask about our loved ones. It was only making things harder because we didn't know a single thing about where they could possibly be. I felt so empty not being able to help.
  I slowly rose to my feet and trudged towards the door. I wasn't in the mood to deal with them.
  "Sans, what are you doing?" Asked Alphys, with a concerned look on her chubby little face.
  "I just want them to go away. I can't deal with this," I mumbled before I approached the door.
  "I opened the door to see a news cast and a crowd of people standing in front of my door. I sighed.
  The reporter didn't hesitate to start asking he questions. He didn't care about the pain I was going through. He just wanted to make his next pay check off of my suffering of my missing brother who was happening to be dating a celebrity. I know that they wouldn't care about him if it wasn't for Mettaton. It's the only reason why they give a single fuck.
  "I have no response for you. I'm just trying make it through the day. Instead of standing here trying to cause drama so you can make money, maybe you should be out there looking for my little brother," I said into the microphone of the reporter, before slamming the door. "Hopefully they got rid of them for now," I sighed, before slumping back onto the couch in misery.
  "Those assholes are getting annoying. They're lucky I don't put a spear through their skulls," Undyne growled.
  "That would only give them more drama to report on. It's best just to stay away from it. I know they're hurting us but we can't give in. That's what they want," Alphys sighed, putting her tiny hand on Undyne's shoulder.
  "I know...I just wish there was something we could do about it," Undyne sighed.
  We all sat in silence once again. We could still here people yelling from outside, but as time went on they were starting to disappear.
  " you wanna watch some anime?" Undyne suggested, wanting to cheer up Alphys.
  "I can't...we shouldn't be having fun while those two are's not fair," she frowned. 
  Undyne looked down at her feet. I felt so bad. I knew she just wanted to make Alphys feel better. We all wanted each other to feel better.
  "I'm going to go make some hotdogs. Do you guys want any?" I suggested once I heard my stomach start to grumble. I hadn't realized that I didn't eat anything all day.
  "I guess we should. Thanks, Sans," Alphys smiled slightly.
  We all tried to hard to live our normal loves but it was impossible without Mettaton and Papyrus. I broke into tears when I opened the food cabinet to find a box of spaghetti noodles.

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