Uh hi

83 11 4

(Sorry for using this book i had to make it quick)
Umm this is a long time since ive been on here..Fox has been keeping it cool

Any how most of yall maybe know that i left wattpad.On my original acc.Well im back on a a diffrent acc.So im just stopping by and ive changed my mind about working for the ASPCA.

In the summer im going to volunteer around my county for like helping with cats,mucking out the horses stalls,helping out with livestock mostly.Im going to be a vet instead of rescue animals.Ive done a little reshearch and info form people.Im not that happy.I dont think i could actually stand seeing a dog or a Livestock animal in that abuse.Im still highly against it!I want to help out in my local community over the summers!Im only 11 and a 11 year old could do so little and do a big job for the comminty with its animals.With the cat im going to get on allergies stuff cuz im allergic to cats(sadly.)And than im going to go in this little room with kittens,Adult cats,elders mostly any age of cats!For dogs idk Yet tho.Horses im going to muck out stalls,feed horses,water horses,and care for the horses!I think this is will be great!and im also getting goats of my own for showing!I cant wait for summer!!

Any how..Im just trying to tell you go help out in your community. Volunteer alot!Help shelters!Do what im doing with the horses!Or go pet kittens and cats!A single hand can help a thousands of paws!and hooves!~Ashy Creator/founder of acc

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