A Dog's Purpose

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The film A Dog's Purpose is coming up fast for theaters. But animal accusations are rising fast, too.

Fairly recently a video has surfaced showing a German Shepard struggling against its handler. Take a look~

The movie makers have responded, assuring everyone that Hercules the German Shepard wasn't harmed, although the footage shows otherwise. After all, poor canine was nearly drowned.

Reportedly they had done plenty of practice shots with Hercules to ensure he was comfortable and confident in the waters, the trainers say that he hadn't wanted to perform that day.

The film's producer has also responded and is outraged.

"Had I been on the set, this would have never happened, this movie got made because of how I feel about animals. So this happened 15 months ago and should have been investigated immediately. It's unconscionable that someone waited a year and three months to call attention to this."

With him the director had also put his two-bits in.

"I am very disturbed by the video released today from the set of my film, I did not witness these actions, which are unacceptable and would never happen with my knowledge. We were all committed to providing a loving, respectful and safe environment for all the animals in the film. I have been promised that a thorough investigation into this situation is underway and that any wrongdoing will be reported and punished."

Hopefully those responsible for their crimes will be punished on set and off of it.

But the abuse doesn't stop there, not only was the dog nearly killed, but the place where the movie makers got the animals from has also had its own allegations.

The animals came from a place called Birds & Animals Unlimited, it's been called out by PETA. The group has claimed that the animals sleep outside and in unsanitary conditions.

The important thing now is that Hercules is safe and the abusers will take charges.

On the subject of the film, I don't think it's right to protest it. The act wasn't on behalf of the whole cast and crew, just a select few animal trainers. Whom will face charges. The film has already lost its rights to its opening premiere this upcoming weekend, so I believe that the movie has already taken enough damage.

It's your choice.

Are you still going to see A Dog's Purpose or not?

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