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Out of every animal, birds are the animals that stories go unnoticed. Studies show that 23% of abused animals are birds and horses. But again, most people are unaware of the harm caused to our beautiful birds. If you've ever seen the movie Rio then you've seen a place where bird abuse often happens. Exotic birds are taken from their natural habitat and then shipped away to pets stores in other countries. So bird smugglers are real problems.

As you can see they're kept in very small dirty cages that are probably never cleaned

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As you can see they're kept in very small dirty cages that are probably never cleaned. Often times these cages are packed with birds

 Often times these cages are packed with birds

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These animals can hardly move. Other animals are plucked and their gorgeous feathers are stolen.

 Other animals are plucked and their gorgeous feathers are stolen

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Another very real problem is cock fights. Cocks better known as roosters are forced to fight each other in a ring for the entertainment of humans. This is similar to dog fighting.

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Two roosters or cocks are tied together and are forced to fight

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Two roosters or cocks are tied together and are forced to fight. While fighting is the nature of roosters this isn't right as the birds are not treated well and fight constantly. Most often these birds are maimed and always get wounded. Sometimes these wounds can get infected causing the animal great pain. They're force to fight in this condition as well.
Roosters aren't the only chickens with problems. Hens and roosters are also abused in farms, it's similar to the living standards of a slaughterhouse. As the name says a slaughterhouse is were animals are raised to be killed for meat. More often than not, slaughterhouses kill their animals inhumanly and the living conditions are horrible. The situation is the same in the chicken farms. In Canada it was discovered that one farm had been abusing their chickens. It had been videotaped and people had seen them throwing the birds and hitting them against walls, doors, and other objects. What people don't realize is that there are more issues within other farms. Chickens are treated horribly, and there's a competition for space. Think about it like a traffic jam on a crowded highway. Everyone is on edge and upset. Imagine that being your entire life.

Many farms keep their birds in cages

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Many farms keep their birds in cages

It's horrible for chickens and that's standard and legal

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It's horrible for chickens and that's standard and legal. Just because an animal is alive doesn't mean it is HAPPY. You could keep a dog in a cage all its life and it would still be alive. It wouldn't be happy. If you were trapped in a cage or in a crowded highway your whole life would you happy?

 If you were trapped in a cage or in a crowded highway your whole life would you happy?

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People need to learn how to treat their animals with care and respect. It would make the world a better place.

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