Sea Life Pt2

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My last complaint

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My last complaint.
Blue tang, too small of a tank.
It's cramped and they'll be cramped too!

Sea Life sorta makes up for this by having several turtle rescue bases across the world. They also rescue animals then release them back into the sea when they're ready to return. Of course they say they have rescued almost all the animals in this aquarium etc. etc. it also says they've bred over 5,600 in that institution alone this year. They also had several panels on how I am garbage for using objects that get dumped into the ocean. I just made two chapters on how they're garbage for doing this. I hope that I was there when feeding time was about to start. I also have nothing against Sea Life staff and what message they're going for but they need to let some of these fish go. Go to other aquariums build another aquariums or even release them into the wild. I know that most of us think that all fish do is swim and eat but they still have feelings. To quote someone. "Just because an animal is surviving doesn't mean it's thriving." The same women that said that also asks if you'd keep a dog in a cage it's whole life. It'd still live so it must be fine!

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