Canned Hunting

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I honestly shouldn't have to write more than twenty words to get you all to see how messed up this is.

Canned hunting is putting an animal (usually exotic) into a confined space and letting a hunter shoot them for trophies. The animal has no way to get away from the hunter and was most likely raised away from its natural habitat while watching other animals shot and killed all around it. It's basically the same thing as a slaughterhouse or a Chinese dog or cat farm.

Most animals are drugged before they are shot, and bred to death–if they're not shot first–while their offspring are kept in awful conditions. Some are even sold to hunters for one reason or another.

Another example of canned hunting is drawing an animal out of a reserve and then shooting them where it's legal (though no form of trophy hunting should be legal).

Another example of canned hunting is drawing an animal out of a reserve and then shooting them where it's legal (though no form of trophy hunting should be legal)

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Know what it is now? Okay, good. Let's move right along.

Studies show that seven hundred lions are shot yearly in the U.S.A as trophies kills. And, of course, lions are not the only victims. Many exotic animals are killed for these disturbing trophies. It's so wrong.

It's time for this to stop. We need to stop this now.

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