Chapter 16

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"Daddy where are we going?" Darcy asked as we borded the plane.

"Hawaii, baby."

The judge let me take them to Hawaii, but Perrie and Zayn stayed home, something about going to Disney Land. So I took Eleanor and Louis with me, which they seem to of had no problem with coming with me. I know they practically hated my guts that day.


"Because Daddy hasn't seen you in a while, so I thought why not take them on a vacation?" I said, helping her into her seat.

Louis and El were behind us, with a little girl, while Darcy, Ryan and I sat in front of them, directly across from the bathroom. She was almost potty trained, put she had a hard time telling someone. We tried to at the age of two, but she didn't tell anyone when she had to pee. So we let her go. When she turned three, we go her to stop being in her pants. now we were working on actually telling someone. Other then that she's got it all down, she's almost fully potty trained.

Don't listen to my sister, I wasn't potty trained at the age of 15, I think I was like two. I don't know why she had to go announce it on twitter. I mean sure, she was my sister, we do try to torment each other as much as possible, but she's kind of in the lead, right now.

"Vacation?" She asked.

I chuckled, "Yeah baby, vacation."

"What's a vacation?"

"It's where we go away from everything that we normally do, and visit some place really cool!" I smiled at her.

"Is Hawaii really cool?" She asked.

"It's so much fun. I was going to take you to the zoo, but then I decided not to, that Hawaii would be better."

"But I like the zoo."

"And I thought of something better then the zoo, you'll see." I looked at her. She looks so much like me, and the older she gets she's starting to look like Nicole. I don't even know f that was possible, but it is now.


I know it's short, and crappy. and tbh it isn't my best.

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