Chapter 30

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Today is Saturday. My friends invite me to go out. Were in the park, having time to each other. Here I am sitting in our mat reading my new book.

"Um, guys. I need to go to the restroom." I said and left my book.
I went in the restroom. I fixed my face and went out.

"Airish." A voice called. William
"W- William? What are you doing here?" I ask
"We need to talk." He said and grab me
"Please let me go. Your hurting me."
"You'll follow me."
"No, please William, let me go. You don't need to explain, cause I knew it." I said
"No, never." He demanded

I keep refusing, it hurts me. My wrist is red, it really hurts so much. Please let me go, I need help, please help me.

"Let her go." A voice commanded
"And who are you? The boyfriend? You know what she loves me. Don't expect."
"No!. My wrists hurts. Please let go." I murmur

"Oh my goodness. William? The one who watched us? Who as if don't care us?. How dare you." Anne said
"What the heck! So you were there." Beyer said

I'm looking at them in a serious look. Perry makes a fists. No way. Gosh.
"Me and Airish needs to talk." William said
He grab me. "No, I said let me go!." I said

I want to scream, I felt tension. "I won't let you go." William murmur
"Let her go cause your hurting her or else..." Cyrus said in a cold voice

He looks worried but serious. "Or else what?" William said in a boastful way and let go of my wrist. Cyrus made a fist. "I'll punch you." He said calmly

I touched my painful wrist. Heck No, please don't fight. "Let's go." I murmur
"No!" William exclaimed
Cyrus punch him lightly but still Williams lips bleed. "Cyrus!" I exclaimed
He looked at me, he stood up then look at William in the ground.
"That's for watching her in pain." He said to William
"Huh, too slow." William said
"Shut up William." I said

I'm so serious. I hold Cyrus wrist and chest to gesture him to stop and don't listen to William the fool. I could felt his anger at him. Can we just move on?. It was nothing.
"Let's go Cyrus." I whisper

He followed me, luckily our friends gave us some privacy. We get in the car so that no one can hear our private talk. We were so quite inside the car.

I started to talk. "You should've done that for me." I murmur
"So your protecting him than me?"
"Then what do you mean?"
I inhaled deeply. "Move on, it was nothing."
"No it wasn't nothing. You can forget what they say but you'll never forget what they made you feel. That's why I want to let you feel that someone is there for you, to protect you. That's someone cared and love you." He said trying to cheer me up

I bowed my head, no one said that to me. Just him. Him always, he always inspires me.
"No one said that to me. Thank you, you've done so much to me."
"Tsk, it was nothing specially to the bad girl before that turns to a new one. Or should I say the old one." He said and smiled

I smirk a bit. Just a simple problem, we solved it as fast as it does. "You okay now?" He ask
"Of course, how about you? Your hand? Let me see." I said
"No need to, I'm fine."
"No way, unfair. Let me see."
Did I changed our topic?, from some little argument to like this moment?!. Tsk.

I look at it. It wasn't damaged at all. I touched it, I felt the warmth in his hands and it has a bit of red. "Does it hurts?" I ask him still holding his hand.
"A bit."
I blow it, its useless. I'm a fool. "Does it feel okay now?" I ask
"What? Answer me?" I said and smiled
"It fine, cause you blew it." He said

I smirk. "I'm trying to help you." I said
"I know, do I look like a fool blowing your hand?" I said and looked nothing
"No, you still look like you. Beautiful inside and out." He whispered
"Uh, Ayiesh. I'm serious here you know."
"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. I'm serious too." He said

I look at him, our face are too near. Ops, it doesn't suppose to be like that cause I thought our faces are far enough.

My phone rang. I get it and answered it. "Hello?" Its Anne
I press the loud speak so that Cyrus could hear it.
"You two get out of the car, let's eat lunch." Anne said
"Were coming." The two of us answered.

We went to them and we eat lunch.

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