Chapter 1

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Huh I really hate this day. Why? Its because I am going to transfer into another school or another university. Well, actually I've been there, its a nice university actually but the question is are the students too?!. Pft I really don't care about it.

I inhaled deeply. This School is called SLA kinda cool right?. Well it means Saint Luke Academy for now I'll call it SLA most of the students call it for short.

I get out of the car without any fear. Tsk, should I fear them?. Heck No!. I had this title a monster or the bad girl, that's what other people call me in my old schools. Actually I always been transferred in any school.

First I studied at LCU (LA Carmel's University), I had friends there. But not exactly friends because I don't take seriously of friends cause they are plastics. We had this group called Mean Girls. We are the bullies in school, yeah amazing right?!. That was Grade six.

I'm not the good girl anymore. Then we, the Mean Girls bully one student and the the principal told us that 'If You will not stop that bullying, you'd be kicked out!' That's what our principal said.

And the mean girls gave up, they don't want to be kicked out. They are such a coward.
And me, I still bully students. That's why I was kicked out.

Next to my second school called PA (Pilot Academy) well most of the students there are really genius. Bookish like me.. Then we had this group of girls called Evils. That sounds scary. We had this leader and her title in that school is THE QUEEN. And I the 'Evil Princess'.

Huh that's not even cool. Still I don't care about it. We bullied some students, and they stopped bullying because they were just afraid, without any reason they quit and I survived.

They are cowards like my other school. Before they would tell me to stop because they will kick me out. I transferred another school. And it's HU (High University)

HU is my third school. And I had friends there, but plastic ones. We we're called Monsters and some called us the bad girls. Obviously, I'm not shock cause that was really expected.

We continue to argue to some students, but when one of my group quitted because his father was angry. Every part of the team quitted. Still they are a coward.

Afraid to fight and get scolded I guess. I experienced it too. Well, its fine with me, I'm used to it. And I studied my fourth school at a public school that's called PU (Public University).

I experienced being bullied socially!. I don't need to worry, just give them a punch and finish. Ops just kidding, too serious. Well I just give them a bad girl look and then they run. Cowards!.

I'll tell you don't mess with me, why? You'll go home ugly. That's rhyme isn't it?!. Tsk.

Now here I am at SLA, of course 4th year student. Sixteen years of age. Ugh that never sounds cool right!.

"Is she a new student?" A girl murmured. Obviously! Huh people!.
"Wow! I guess I like her!" Another girl murmured. Seriously? But I don't like ya!.

I walk straight calmly. And I saw someone in front of me. "Hello are you miss Airish?" A lady asked she had this curly tip of her hair and a coal hair. Really her hair is really black.

"Yes!" I replied kindly. I was never kind to strangers?! Maybe. Duh I don't care anymore.

"Come with me I'll show your classroom. By the way I'm Anne." She stretched a hand to shake. I didn't accept it.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I supposed you don't like shaking hands!" She replied gladly.

I followed her, this girl is so talkative. "What's your name?" She asked with curiosity.
"I don't give my name to people, specially strangers. And don't be friendly I'm not one." I replied

She just nodded and shut her mouth up. We are heading to the stairs. "Um, by the way, do you hate me?" She asked nervously.

Be like that girl, I'm a bully not friendly. "Me? Hmm, I'm a bully you shouldn't be friendly at me. Maybe you'll be my victim!" I said it with horror.

I smiled at her. "Don't worry I'm always a victim. Victim by Vanessa and her two friends." She replied gladly seriously?.

"Okay, is it physically?, socially?, verbally?, or any other?" I asked
"Tsk, its verbally I guess. Saying that I'm a loser!" She said
"Oh, that's good!" I replied

That's all I have to say. Nothing more. "Are you really like that?"
"What's with that question?" I guess she's examining me..

"Um, sorry about that!" She said
"Tsk. Where are we heading?" I asked
"Actually we are here!. That's our classroom." She answered

"Yes!. Room# 1. First section."

Tsk, not again. I hate to be in first section. I don't care for now, I examined the room. Kinda nice, its fine. My first day. I expect this to be amazing. Of course, this has to be. Bullying starts here.

Hmm, I felt everyone is weak in here. Cowards, i hate coward. I mean lets find out if my conclusion is true. Ha. Ha. Ha. That isnt funny at all. Tsk

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