Chapter 26

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Two of us were just left. I don't want to look at him in his playful eyes. He took off his black jacket and walk towards me. He covered that to me.

"Are you okay?" He ask in a sincere voice. He just changed you know.
"A bit." I said

He hugged me. Warm hug. I'm... I'm starting to cry in front of him. I have many problems, so heavy.
"Good to know you're fine." He whispered while he was still hugging me
He look at me in the eye. Telling me that he will always be there.

We get inside the car. "Were going in Anne's house. I already told your father." He said while he was driving.
"Thank you." I said in a confident voice. He looks at me worriedly.
"What happened?" He ask
"I'm sorry." He said
"For what?"
"I wasn't here yesterday and last day. Family business." He said
I nodded in response.

I smiled a bit. I hate William, he didn't do anything. I hate men like that.
"What's wrong?" He ask and stopped for a moment in the road
"Thinking of my problems."

"Huh, I never thought a bad girl has a problem." He said and chuckled
"Ayiesh. Everyone have it, you know." I murmur

We arrived in Anne's house. Why in Anne's house? Are they having a relationship?.
"You okay Anne?" Cyrus ask at her
"Yep but I don't think Airish is okay." She replied
"Me? No way, I'm fine."

I went to the kitchen and drank a water. I inhaled deeply. That will never happen again. I went back to them.
"Are we having a meeting?" I murmur
"Yes, we do." Lexi replied

I'm so curious about it. We all sat in the couch. I'm sitting beside Beyer and Cyrus is sitting beside Anne on the left side. Couples.

"So, what happened exactly?" Beyer ask
"Well, they hurt us. And that stupid girl just kissed Airish first love in front of her." Anne replied
"What the heck!. You are not suppose to tell that. He is not my first love, there was never an us, remember." I murmur

How could she?. Tears are going to run in my face in no time.
"Oh yeah." She said
"She was used by them. Exactly, they fooled her. They played with her and ——" I cut Anne off
"Enough, you don't need to tell everyone about it. I Shouldn't have let you come." I said and walk out.

My tears keep on falling. I hate those words, it keeps running in my head. Fool, fool, fool. I hate it. I went out the gate, I'm tired. Why do I have this heavy problems?.

"Airish!" Someone exclaim
I don't need pity, I don't need comfort. I want to be alone. Alone. I want to run, just run. I run but it was too late for me to run when someone grab my arms.

"Airish." He said calmly. Cyrus.
"I d— don't need pity." I mutter
"No I'm not."
"I hate my life." I murmur
"You shouldn't hate it."

I keep on crying, in front of him. He hugged me tightly. "Its okay, you'll be fine. I don't want to see you crying."
"O-ouch." I mutter when suddenly my knees hurt.
"Are you okay?" He ask
I nodded and still keep crying.

He look at my knees. "Where did you get this bruises?, this scratch?" He ask
I keep crying.. "You wouldn't understand still. You don't get the point." I said and started to walk away from him crying.

"I do understand. I know that's why I keep telling those words."
"What do you know?" I said still my tears are falling down
"I know that you need someone to understand you."
"Another explanation?. You don't know more see." I said and sob.
He shut his mouth, just keep understanding me.

"See, you don't know all."
"Then tell me." I murmur
My knees are hurt. I want to fall in the ground. I also got a scratch, a little wound in my knees when my monster mom let me clean those antique in the floor. Then she pushed me that's why. I hate her.

"Airish, then tell me so that I can understand more."
My world is turning. I— I know I'm going to be unconscious. My world blurs, I saw two persons. I heard him speak in a low voice.

"Airish!" I continued closing my eyes. I don't know what happened. I couldn't imagine my world without a person to help me. A person — who understands me, who cared.

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