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"Alpha have you and the Luna decided on names for the pups. They're birth certificates are filled out to the best of my ability I just need their names." The pack doctor asks. I nod and Kat climbs into my lap.

Such a lap dog. I tease her and she nips my leg.

"Yeah. We will do that right now. We are about to go eat and go to bed." I tell him and he nods.

"The little girl is Saca Marie Black. Male pup one, the oldest of the bunch, is Owen Russel Black, and the middle pup is Walter---" I start and Kat cuts me off.

Walter Darnel Black. She says in the mate link and I look at her.

We talked about this. His name is Walter Hunter Black. I tell her and when I turn to tell the doctor to put it on the certificate, Kat bites down hard on my forearm.

"MERDA" I yell jumping up and catching Kat before she can hit the ground. I hold her with one arm while my other bleeds onto the white carpet.

"KAT." I yell looking at her. She whimpers and tucks her tail. I sigh and look at the doctor.

"Walter Darnel Black." I mutter and he scribbles that down on the paper.

"Now go." I hiss and he looks at my arm.

"Would you like me to fix that?" He asks and I growl.

"No. Now go." I tell him and he nods handing me the certificates and leaving. I set Kat on the floor and walk out of the room too. I can hear Kat limping after me and trying to catch up.

Black. Come back. I'm sorry. She yells after me and I walk in my office to file the pups birth certificates.

"Why would you do that?" I ask when she walks in.

I'm sorry. I'm still getting rid of those stupid hormones. She mumbles and looks down.

"Ok. I'm not stupid Kat. I can see when something is bothering you. What's up?" I ask.

Nothing. She defends and I look at her.

"Kat. You can talk to me love." I say walking over to her and lifting her up into my arms.

"What's up?" I ask again and sit in my office chair.

I had a brother named Hunter. He was a runt and he had a lot of problems with his body. He died when he was three. She says and looks up at me.

"Do you want Saca looked at when she is a bit older?" I ask and she nods.

Yes please. She licks my hand and the blood on my arm. The wound is already healed.

"Ok. I have to go Kat. I'm supposed to be at Yellowstone in an hour." I tell her and lift her up. I stand and carry her to the dog bed and put her down.

"Stay here." I tell her and she nods.

Where are my pups? She asks and I shrug.

"Peter will probably bring them in a minute." I say.

"I have to go get dressed now. I love you Kat. We won't let anything happen to Saca." I say and kiss her head.

Ok. Bye Black. She lays on her side and snuggles into the bed.


In the car on our way to Yellowstone, Peter is struggling to find a comfortable position.

"Would you sit still already. Your shaking the whole car." I say pulling onto the shoulder of the road and bypassing the whole line. When I reach the guards booth I step out and approach it.

"Sir you have to wait. All these people are waiting too." The guard says and I raise a brow.

"No I don't. The President asked me to be here." I say and the guard laughs.

"No really I have the dire wolf he wanted to see." I say seriously. He laughs harder.

"Dire wolves are extinct you loon." He laughs and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah. Tell that to the overgrown dire wolf in the back of my car." I say and walk away. I open the back of my car and look at Peter.

"Come on. We will run the rest of the way." I say and he crawls out stretching is back, legs, neck and so on. He also yawns. He rubs his head against my chest and I close the trunk and lock it. I tuck the keys into my pocket and walk toward the guards station ignoring all the people getting out of their car to get a better look.

"Yeah. They're so extinct, right Peter?" I joke ducking under the traffic arm. Peter growls at the guard and steps over the traffic arm.

We aren't gonna walk the whole way right?" He asks and I chuckle quietly.

No. I reply and he grabs the back of my shirt and puts me on his back.

"I could've gotten on myself." I say and he scoffs.

It makes it look like I want you there and that I'm not your slave. He replies before taking off running  down the street.


It took a good ten minutes for us to reach the building we are meeting president Swanson at but we made it. When we got there, I got off Peter and formally greeted the president.

"Hello." I say with a serious face and he nods.

"Hi." He replies and shakes my hand back. His shake is weak and flimsy.

"Let's see this dire wolf shall we?" I ask and he nods.

"Just inside." He says and leads us in. In the room there is bulletproof glass protecting us and on the other side is an indoor enclosure.

"No. Inside." I say and the president shakes his head.

"It's too dangerous." He says and I scoff and walk to the door. I unlatch it and walk in. I hold the door open for Peter and close the door. Instantly I see yellow eyes looking at us. A little pup runs up to us it's tail wagging so fast you can barely see it.

"Hi little guy." I say as sweetly as I can but it's kinda hard considering my voice is deep and anything but sweet.

Peter growls at it and the little pup tucks its tail. If he's afraid of Peter his father must be smaller then us.

"Where's mom and dad?" I ask.

In the den. He links me. I've only ever heard of Kat being able to link anyone. Except family only pack members can mind link each other.

Alright let's go find them. I say back and lean down to pet him.

"Go find mom." I tell him and he runs off. Me and Peter follow the hyperactive pup till we reach a den. The pup runs in and we wait outside.

I whistle calling the pup back but that only gains the attention of the father. I step out and remain unfazed by the fathers growls. He's not rogue. He's stressed and damn protective. I don't doubt that he and his mate are werewolves. I let Golds eyes slip through for a light second and he slowly stops growling. He lowers his head towards the ground and lays down. I notice a little greying on the fathers fur and my eyes run over his pelt. I notice a distinctive marking in his pelt and I take in a sharp intake of breath.

"Dad." I whisper.

This isn't possible.

Alpha BlackWhere stories live. Discover now