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A pulling feeling causes my paw to pull away. I hear a lot of shuffling before I feel the pulling on my leg again.

"We have to get out of here. His body is fighting the drug too fast and he is waking up." I hear a faint voice. My ears feel clogged and I can't remember anything.

"No he isn't. That's enough tranquilizer to knock out two moose." I hear a closer voice.

"If you haven't noticed. He is moving. His body is respond to things. His ears a turning and he just pulled his paw away." I hear a clearer voice and realize my hearing is getting better. My wolf helps me remember the events before I passed out and I growl. It's weak and soft but that's only now.

"We have to go. Now." Someone commands.

"Alright. Fine." The closer voice, that I have identified as Dean, responds and there is a lot of shuffling.

"I told you this was a bad idea. I don't think he'll ever forgive me." My mother says and I blink my eyes open. They're blurry at first before it clears and I see three people standing in the den.

"Go. Get out." My mother shoos them and they all scramble out as I'm standing up. When I catch my balance I bolt out of the den and follow their scent. I easily catch up with them and tackle Dexter.

'You betrayed your Alpha.' I growl at him and just as I go to bite him. I'm tackled from the side by my little mate. They all run off again and when I go to follow them Kat steps in my way.

'Move they tried to hurt you.' I growl and she whines.

'No Black. They were just trying to check that the pups are ok.' She says and I growl. I grab her scruff and carry her back to the den.

'No one touches what's mine when I can't do anything to protect you. It's not a fair fight.' I seethe and I feel my nails dig into the ground bellow.

Kat comes up to me and nuzzles her head under my chin and against my neck. I instantly calm down and sit. I reach my paw out and pull her into my chest, licking her face. She howls like a pup getting a bath and I lick her ears.

'Ewwwww. Stop.' She squirms under my paw and I give a wolf-like chuckle.

'Did they do anything?' I ask.

'No. they couldn't get you away from the hole. It was like your were half awake and you wouldn't let them pull you from the emergency den.' She says laying on her back. I stand over her and she licks my muzzle. I hear movement outside the den and growl loudly.

'WHAT THE FUCK DO THEY WANT.' I yell in the link and Kat winces. I lick her muzzle apologetically and nudge her to the far back of the den.

'Stay here.' I say and quickly crawl to the top of the tunnel. My head pokes out and I set two wolves sitting there with a deer.

'Black. I think those are my parents. I can smell them.' I hear my kitten and sniff the air. They do smell like her. I climb out of the den and tackle her father. He bites my ear and neck but his teeth don't leave marks of any kind. I grab his scruff and throw him up he lands on his feet with a heavy thud and I hear my kitten whimper.

'It's alright Kat. They're just playing.' Her mother assures and licks Kat on the muzzle. She runs up to me and rubs against my chest before greeting her father. I sit waiting and think about the events of the past hour? At least I think it was an hour. Why would my mother do that to me.

"How is she?" I hear Kats mother asks as she sits next to me. We watch Kat and her father play and I sigh.

"She's fine. It's me we have to worry about. I don't know how long you will be able to visit before my wolf takes over completely. I nearly killed my own pack member and would've had a go at my mother if my little kitten didn't stop me." I say softly.

"They drugged me and try to get to Kat." I say and lay down. Kat comes up and licks me then bounces around before collapsing on my back.

"I think you'll be fine. As for visits. Me and William know better than to visit after the first month. You being an alpha and the size of your wolf would be too hard on you. You wouldn't have a choice other than to give in. We have decided to bring guards here and William is going to be running patrols. You have nothing to worry about Black." She says calmly. She leans against William and Kat rolls off my back giggling in the mate link. I lick her face and she seems stunned before she starts laughing again like a little pup.

"Your cute." I say and she pouts crossing her front paws and laying her head on them.

"Let's go inside." I say when I notice it's going to start snowing again soon. I let Kats parents go first then I carry Kat into the den and place her on the deer skin from the other deer. Though I don't remember it being here. I don't remember bringing it in.

I head back out and grab off pieces of meat for Kat and her parents. When I place them in the middle of the den for them to grab I go back out and do my rounds of patrol around the perimeter of the makeshift territory of my den. I mark more trees, rubbing up against them and peeing on them. I notice a few guards a few paces outside the perimeter and growl at them. They walk a few paces away and sit back down.

Each pair of two spaced about ten feet apart. When I make it back to the den with a pail of water from the stream I let Kat and her parents drink from it while I lay next to Kat with my chin resting on her back.

"Are you guys planning on staying?" I hear Kat ask and I instantly lift my head.

"I don't think that's the best idea kitten. I don't want to loose control of Gold and if I do, I don't want him to mistaken them as a threat." I say nuzzling her shoulder.

"I think they should go to the pack house and if I still have full control of myself, they can come back and be with you while I hunt." I end the conversation there.

"Ok Black." She says. I know she's just doing it for me. But I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I killed my mates parents because I wasn't cautious.

Alpha BlackTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon