Chapter Fifteen

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Ok. So remember. I don't write dirty parts. But my friend RauraIsReal1523 will be writing it in a book on her account called private chapters. It doesn't exist yet and will be put up soon. All my dirty chapters will be put there against my will because she thinks there should be some. If you really want to read them they're over there. Just click on her name above and go to her profile then go to the book. The chapters will be named with the book title and the chapter (so she says). Anyway. Back to the book. Enjoy.
~dirty part in RauraIsReal1523 's book.~

Black snuggled up to me pulling me into his bare chest. He licked my mark and kissed the tender skin that he bit.

"I love you too kitten. You are my life and our future is strongly in my mind. I cannot wait to marry you. And most importantly, I cannot wait to have our own little family together." He whispers kissing my neck again. My wolf purrs and lifts our neck against his lips tiredly.

"Go to sleep love. I'll be here forever." He mumbles nuzzling my neck. And I do. I fall peacefully asleep in his arms.

I shoot awake to a sour taste in my mouth and I look around. I find Black painfully passed out and I look around more. Sleeping gas creeps around our room and my vision blurs a bit.

"MARCUS!!!" I yell for my trainer but nothing is heard. I wave my hand at the bathroom door with the air element and wait for the sound of the squeaky nozzle to turn on the sink. I try again and again but it doesn't work. I stare intently at the door and try again hearing a loud bang and water flowing. Oops. Too hard.

I fling our bedroom door open and put the water around us in a bubble so we float in the air in a water cage. I make a little space and shoot a fire ball into the biggest spot of the gas. It blows up and I hug Black close when I close the spot again. I see another shield go around us and close my eyes softly sobbing and panicked. I feel something wrap around us and jump only to be locked down I top of Blacks naked lap. I move my head to look.

Two giant wings cage us in their grasps and I panic more when the house explodes. The wings cage us in their pure feathers and cover us. I look around sobbing and find the pack standing around the remnants of the house.

"MARCUS!!!!!!" I sob out hugging Black close. I feel the water bubble move and look at Marcus. His hands are waving around and he is pulling us towards him. Blacks mother stands next to him with two blankets and my vision starts to blur.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I whimper when we reach the ground. I look at what used to be the pack house and guilt fills me. I did this. I ruined it.

"There's nothing to be sorry about kat. You did what you needed to do." Marcus says trying to lift me off Black. I growl at him and lash my hand out to hit him. Scared by my own actions.

"Marcus. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lash out at you." I quickly apologize holding Black tightly in my arms.

"It's alright." He reassures and steps closer at a slow pace. My arms tighten around Black and my eyes widen in panic trying to force myself to stay awake.

A blanket falls around my shoulders and my body goes rigid.

"Easy kat. It's alright." Black's mother soothes.

"All that matters is that everyone is ok." She says and I nod tucking my face into Blacks neck. Without realizing it, I teleport me and Black to the pack hospital on my fathers land.

"HELP. DOCTOR FIN. HElp." I yell pushing the black from my eyes.

"help." I whimper and the door bursts open showing my father and the doctor. Knowing I'm safe my body relaxes and the dark overrides my systems. My father grabs me in his arms carefully and my hand holds tightly to Black's. I try to protest but I no longer have the strength to do so.

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