Chapter 3 Part 2 ~Sachiko's appearance

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Cry's POV ((Most of the POV's are his so.....DEAL WITH IT!!!)) just enjoy the book...

I awoke and noticed everyone was awake as well. I decided to explore and I stood to leave. Someone wrapped their arms around my waist and I smiled.

"Just going to explore,baby."

"Ok." Felix replied. He just stood there. I opened the door and he ended up coming with me. We strolled around until we ran into someone. I recall everyone being in there.

"I'm so sorry!" They said.

"Its ok." I grabbed their hand.

"I'm Sky!" he shouted.

"Ya ok. Sky. Um....I'm Cry."

"Um...have you by any chance seen a guy with a space helmet and he was like....wearing all blue clothes? Or a guy with pale skin, headphones, white V-neck, wristbands?"


"Cause I came here with them. See we did this charm-"

"Sachiko Forever Charm." I turned and there was Red.


I burst out crying when her name was mentioned. Felix wrapped his arms around me.

"Oh....she must of....I'm sorry...." Sky said.

"No....i-its fine" I said and stood.

"JASON! JASON! JASON I'M STARTLED!!!" Sky shouted. Then this blue thing((I almost wrote thong.....XD ~Kipz)) flew and landed next to Sky.

"Hi." he said. He took of his helmet and flung his hair aside like Justin fucking bieber.

"Hi." I replied.

"This is Jason! The one I said about with the helmet that I was looking for? and Jason this is Cry!"

"Cry? Hmmmmmm......oh! I think I saw you! There was this room I was in and some people came in and I hid. There was 8 guys and 3 girls. One girl's name was Emily. But one guy looked like you. All of them did."

"Oh no! Your getting mixed up with my.....Um.....brothers!" lie.

"That's a lie." Sky pouted

"Ok.Fine! They're my other forms. Coolio, Mad, Virus, InSanity, Sanity, Sex, Gay, and Straight."

"Oh....well...Hey where's Ty?" Sky asked Jason.

"Ty? He's right there." he pointed to a man running away from something.

"TY?! Ty!"

"Run! Who are they! Who cares just run!!!" He snatched our arms and ran with us. I kept running till we reached our room.

"WAIT!!" I said. He stopped and turned. I opened the door and they sprinted in. I shut the door on someone.

"TY?! SKY?! JASON?! ITS BAJAN AND FLUFFY!!!" someone shouted.

I turned to them and they nodded. I sighed and opened the door. They burst in and told me to close the door. I did. And heard a loud bang from the door. I opened it to see a mudkip breed on the ground. I blinked and let him in.

"OK! Are there any other people coming!" I shouted and our 'friends' didn't nod. I shut the door and sat down. A knock came and I screamed.

I opened the door and there stood Sachiko.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!" I shut the door but it was burst down. I screamed and everyone looked. When they saw Sachiko they screamed too.

"FELIX!!!!!! FELIX MY LAST WORDS PEIRCE THE AIR!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!" I screeched seeing Felix no where in the room. Then a figure stood at the door. Felix.

"Felix help me please!!!" I said and he just stood there. A grin suppressed his face and Sachiko controlled my beloved Swede.


"STOP SCREAMING IT WON'T HELP BECAUSE FELIX IS GONE!!! I'M SACHIKO!!!!" he screeched and tackled me. Sachiko stood without her scissors and my eyes widened. He has them.

He lifted them to my eyes but then went slowly. I screeched and screamed and wiggled in his grip. My beloved Swede isn't himself.

"FELIX PLEASE!!!" one centimeter from my eye and he stopped. He threw the scissors at Sachiko piercing it in her eye. She screeched and pulled it out. Blood gushing everywhere. Everyone screamed and we all rushed out. We ran into Mad the minute we turned the corner.

"Hey guys!" then he had a horrified expression as he ran. I turned and there was 4 ghost children. 2 on each side of Sachiko. I gulped then screeched and ran while grabbing Felix's hand. He tightened his grip as we kept running. The only sound was our footsteps and my heart beat. We stopped when we found water. Like real water! It was in a water bottle that some one probably dropped. We snatched it and kept walking. We rested sometimes and I would snuggle with Felix. I pulled out my IPod and tried to play a song and this time it worked. But it didn't play any song I have on my IPod. It played Insanity. I know this song but I don't have it on my IPod. It pierced the night as me and Felix found a infirmary. We rested on the bed. This room was close to Heather's body. I snuggled into Felix hoping to not have a nightmare I shut my eyes and listened to Felix's heart beat. I then went to sleep.

((Ya it's Team Crafted but not all of them so.....Ya......sorry Heather. You didn't get to Mitch....but it doesn't matter. She really can't cause I'm gonna have Merome....and Ya. I'm leaving at 1:00 cause I have to do stuff happy I updated.


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