Chapter 2 Part 1~ Locked

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If you have a Youtube. You can read this story or any of my stories on YouTube. As long as you credit me and put a link in the description. MUDKIP OUT~

Mad's POV

I felt bad for Cry. His friend Minx just died and I would cry as well if it were my friend. Especially if it was Virus. I looked around the room as people sobbed and hugged. Me and my crew just stood there. We don't know Minx so we didnt cry.

"Hey guys? We should start looking for a way out." Everyone nodded and we started looking for a door. Or a clue. We kept walking and walking until we headed crunching.

Everyone turned their attention to Coolio who was holding a bag of cookies.

"Coolio." I said slowly, "share the cookies." I stated. I reached for them but he pulled away.

Everyone chased him until Cry spotted the front door.

"LOOK! The front door!" PewDie and him rushed over and tried opening it but it wouldn't budge.

"Its...." Cry stepped back shocked. He turned slowly. "Locked"

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