Chapter 1 Part 4~ Death to one

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Before you read this chapter I say there is ONE death to a character. It has to happen. Bye~

Cry's POV

I snuggled into PewDie's arms. He looked down and smiled at me. I smiled back and we walked in the room.

"" *knock* Everyone turned to the door.

"Anyone gonna ch-check that?" I asked.

Mad stood. "I will." He walked over and grabbed his knife. He Yankee open the door and looked. There stood my 4 bestest friends.

"GABBY! KIPZ! MARGRET! CLOUD!" I shouted and ran out of PewDie's grip to hug all of them.

"Hey Cry!" Cloud said.

"Nice to see ya bud!" Kipz said. Gabby and Margret nodded their heads.

"Here's your iPod." Said Gabby. She handed me my iPod and I thanked them. I let them in and I looked through the music on my iPod. I spotted a song everyone liked.

I started to play it when it paused. I was confused but every time I pressed the play button it paused. "Wierd." I murmured. I sat down with everyone else.

~Sleepy Time~

Someone stood. I pointed my flashlight at their face to see it was Minx. "Where are you going Minx? It's time to sleep." I whispered.

"I need to use the bathroom." She responded.

"I'll come with you. This place is creepy. You don't wanna go alone." I whispered again.

She nodded her head and I stood. We both left and looked around. This place is creepy. I shuddered.

We found the bathrooms and she went in as I stood infront of the bathroom door. I kept waiting and waiting. "What's taking her long! It's been 10 minutes!" I shouted. I went in slowly. I peeked my head in.

"Minx?" I asked. "MINX?!" I shouted. I stepped in. I heard slow creeking of rope. Like as if it was going back and forth. I looked up at one of the stalls and saw rope hanging from the ceiling. No. No. It can't be! I rushed over and threw open the door. What hung there was not what I thought it was. I screamed.

I fell to my knees as the horrid image played in my mind over and over again. Minx was there. Hung from the rope. Her pupils weren't there as they rolled to the back of her head. Drool came from her mouth. She rocked back and forth slowly. I pressed my hands to my head and shook my head and laughed.

"Haha. Hahaha. HahahaHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! YOUR NOT REAL! YOUR. NOT REALITY!" I screeched. After a few minutes or hours of sobbing in a corner I stood and left to go back to the room. I stepped in to find everyone standing there and staring at me. They sighed in relief.

"There you are Cry!" PewDie shouted. "I thought you were dead!" He said.

"I just went to the bathroom." I said.

"For 1 hour and 45 minutes?" Mad questioned. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Hey. Do you know where Minx is?" At the mention of her name I broke down.

"Cry what happened to Minx?" Red asked.

"She woke up on the middle of the night. She said she wanted to go to the bathroom so I went with her to protect her. I waited outside for 10 minutes and she still didn't come out. So I went in and then there was a rope. I opened the stall and there she....She....She...SHE'S DEAD!!!" I yelled. I let out a sob and Red sobbed to. She ran to Russ who had tears down his face. PewDie opened his arms for me and I ran in. He engulfed me and I thought over and over in my mind one question.

Did she kill herself~

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