Not your business

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Heh....Now I get why people are afraid of this beast... I feel beads of nervous sweat form on my forehead as that beast-of-a-girl is staring daggers into my soul. "HOW CAN YOU DO THAT!?" Shouted, Miho in a terrifying tone. "I-i just b-blacked out..." Words finally came out of my mouth. "Blacked out, yeah right! You know you did tell me" She still had those eyes like daggers. " wasn't my was hers...and I just so happened"

"Just so happened...just so happened!? You poured juice on the girl and the you slapped her!! That has nothing to do if she started it or not! You don't do that celebrity!!" I feel my collar again.

Same as before, she had returned to her 'Innocent' self again. The chair supported her back as she sat down.

"Mizuka..." grinned, that beast as Mizuka continued to shiver.

"Y-yes Miho?" His hands didn't stop dancing under his skin.

"Why did you let him do that?..." Her voice was so low, not even the ants could hear her.

"W-what d-did you say, M-miho?..." Mizuka's body shook like an earthquake.

"Why the hell did you let Celebrity pour juice on a girl then slap her!!" the beast did the same as before. She grabbed Mizuka by the collar and jerked him to her face. "Now tell me, why did you let him do that!"

"H-hey I wasn't responsible for his actions" fear was the only thing I could see in those flaxen eyes of Mizuka.

"But you were right next to him!! And you are his friend!! Advise him not to do those things!!" her glares only get more terrifying as I watch.

"But like I said, not my problem" He tries to be a wise ass as he replied to the beast.

"Oh you're tryin' to act smart, eh?" she smirks at him as she glares.

"N-no I-I didn't...." Mizuka instantly backed down and shook his head.

I back away from the incident, huh? Miho isn't paying attention to me? Now's my chance! I can escape and unnoticed, that's the best kind of escape. I stand up silently and shift my legs slowly behind one another till I am out successfully out of the room. Just to make sure, I quickly walk away paying not attention to no one.

I walk for two minutes AND I AM ALREADY LOST! What do I do?...where do I go? My eyes travel around the hall as I see the that there are club rooms in the halls. Oh! I know! I should look for the Journalism club.

Finally as like a miracle has occurred, I found the club room that I was adventuring for, as I walk in to see a girl with pale grayish brown hair that is messily tied back in a ponytail with a pale pink big bow holding her hair up. Her eyes stand out, as they are a very bright grayish blue that seems to be very alluring. She doesn't have our school uniform on but I know she has to be a student here. The girl with the alluring eyes, stares at the computer that is on her desk. Hm? She doesn't notice that I'm standing here. I don't want to surprise the girl, so I knock on the door a few times to notify her that someone is here.

"Great News Mizuka!! I found some information about Shinj--" the girl was running to me, thinking that I was Mizuka. She stopped midway and froze "Y-you're not Mizuka!!" the girl trembled. "Y-you're S-shinji A-ayo" the girl backed away and hid behind her desk again.

My mind replays what she said...information...about me!! How the hell did they find that!? Why is does Mizuka want to find information about me!? My eyebrows furrow thinking about it. "W-what are you doing here? Where's Mizuka? Did Miho finally kill him?" She attacked my head with questions.

"The question you should be asking yourself is; why are you looking for information about me?" I'm not angry about it, but I am curious of why would she do that. "Question denied! Classified information! Only club leader can know!" She sounded robotic as she shook her head.

"Mister Perfect" (EDITING)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora