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I'm Shinji, I am 16 years old.
I am an only child, as so my parents tell me.

And I don't know why, but ever since I could speak my parents are raising me to be this
'perfect man'.

They force me to talk, act and walk properly....  What am I a fucking princess??


They never let me decide or listen to my opinion. They say that 'They know what I want and  I'm just stupid' in my opinion that's total Bullshit.

I never had a normal life and probably never will... That's what I can't stand...I just want a normal life with someone who can like me or love me for who I am. Not for my parents.

Oh, haven't I mentioned that father is 'best' actor, Namiya Ayo, and my mother is supermodel, Kiyami Ayo... Yeah, my parents are a big deal... But do a care?  Fuck No!

So that's why people assume and say that I'm supposed to be the perfect child that everyone expects me to be... But really I just want to go home and read manga and eat some gummy candy...but no... I can't have or eat's unhealthy and weird to do those things...

 I can't choose my career either... When I graduate my parents are forcing me to be a Pop idol....  Yeah... I don't want to be that... I want to be an author and not a famous author a normal author.

I don't want the fame it's too tiring and it has so much drama...and people overreact to the stupidest OMG...this famous family went to the park...oh write twenty million articles about it and shit...

And you know what's even better... I can't even choose who I hang out with or even chose who I  date...

Like I said before its Bullshit.

So let's get this thing started...Yaay....

Shinji  Ayo

Age: 16

Birthday: January 14

Height: 5'7

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Red

Other: he does not like the fame.


* Just a  short chapter about  Shinji

^^Baii Baii^^

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