Stop that!

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Idealistic...that word describes Mizuka best.

"Shinji what are you taking about? " Mizuka looked at me.

" nothing...just mumbling some stuff. It's not important, don't worry about it" I laughed it off.

"Now's not the time to be laughing! You almost fell down the stairs!" Mizuka gave me a responsible and serious look.

Wait, Since when we were going down stairs, wait, wait. Since when was I walking at all?


"Sorry, you say it like that will make a goddamn difference! You could've gotten badly injured! You don't listen! You need to stop spacing out!" Mizuka ran a hand through his hair.

Did I stress him out that much? I didn't mean to space out like that...Did I bother him that much?

Instead of spacing out about his features, I space out thinking about how much of a trouble I am to him.

"Shinji! I told you to stop that! Don't you listen!?" Mizuka looked at me.

What do I say? I don't know how to respond to that.

"I'm sorry...." WHAT DO I SAY!

I can't just stand there brainless like a robot...but what do I say!?

"Ugh...just forget it, are you hurt?" Mizuka helped me up.

"Uh...yeah...I'm...fine..." I feel like I'm troubling him with all of my stupidity and all of my spacing out. But I don't want to say something that will hurt his feelings.

Why am I so absent minded? I hate it.

"Let's just go already." he sighed, he grabbed my hand and pulled me down the stairs with him.

This is so embarrassing, I feel like a four-year-old with their mother grocery shopping.

"H-hey...I'm sorry for spacing out" I continue to walk being gripped by the hand.

Wait...I'm holding hands with Mizuka!! This is so embarrassing.

A blush creeps on my face as I look at His hand. It's so big and gentle, so soft I would stay here forever if I could.

Mizuka looked down at me, I merge our gazes to a single one, Mizuka's face turned a deep red shade and he broke that wonderful gaze. He suddenly let go of my hand.

I feel so lonely now...

"W-why did you let go of my hand?" I look towards Mizuka.

"No reason..." He said in a very low voice that I could barely hear.

What do I do now!? I want to hold his hand! I just love the feeling of warmth it leaves.

I space out thinking about that feeling of warmth.

"Shinji! You never learn do you!?"

I feel someone jerk me back.


"Stop spacing out! I'm serious Shinji, you need to stop!" Mizuka looked at me with anger in his eyes.

Ah, those eyes! I'm supposed to be intimidated by them, but... I'm not, I find those eyes the complete opposite of they are supposed to mean... I find them attractive.

Something's wrong with me...why must I feel like this!?

" bad...sorry" I looked down trying to hide my red face.

"Shinji I'm serious...please stop..." He said with a shaky voice.

"I'll try..." I didn't know what to say.

Mizuka looked down and looked back at me with a smile "Let's go, alright?" he grabbed my hand again, and pretended like nothing happened.

What? can he just do that...he was angry like two minutes ago!? That makes me more interested in him. I want to know more about Mizuka.

How and why can he change emotions so quickly?

Is he faking those emotions?

Does he gets disinterested in situations like these?

Ugh! I just don't know! I wish he was a book, for I can read all about him for it wouldn't be so fucking difficult!

We finally made it to the cafeteria, without any of my spacing out, Yes!

There was so many people staring at me, I felt uneasy and uncomfortable. Mizuka looked at me and smiled "Hey, don't worry about the stares, you'll be fine." he was choosing and putting food on his tray.

H-how did he know how I was feeling!? It is that obvious? Is my expression written all over my face?

"Calm down, I just knew how you felt, no need to over think it" Mizuka chuckled.

I think it's obvious...Mizuka can read minds!! It's a stupid, childish and impossible hypothesis, but I'm sticking to it!

"You look like a five-year-old with that look on your face" Mizuka laughed a bit.

"You're no fun" I feel my cheeks get warm.

Mizuka continued to laugh "C'mon let's sit over there" Mizuka walked to a empty table.


I quickly choose something that looks appetizing and follow Mizuka.

When I look towards Mizuka, I see him sitting at a table and he's FUCKING WAVING AT ME! So embarrassing.

"H-hey, no need to wave, I see you clearly" I walked to the table and sat down.

"Oh I know that, I just felt like waving" He grinned at me.

I raised my brow at him and chuckled a bit.

"......So ideal...." I whispered

"Hm? What was that?"

"O-oh nothing! Nothing at all, don't worry about it" I laughed nervously

"Alright, alright" Mizuka gave me a mysterious smirk.

Did he hear what I said!? Oh crap...what do I say!? What do I do!?

I look around trying to think of something to say.

A couple of minutes pass and a random girl that I haven't seen in my life sat next to Mizuka.

"Excuse you" Mizuka raised an eyebrow at the girl

"No, excuse you" The girl replied to Mizuka.

"Now Shinji, tell me, are you available? " The girl ignored Mizuka and looked at me.

"U-uh...I-i u-um"

"Hey,leave Shinji alone! You are no one to ask that!" Mizuka looked at the girl.

"You either! You are supposed to be with the basta-"

I black out and I feel strange. I feel my body moving but I'm not controlling it. A emotion is.

When I came back to the world, I looked at my hand and I had a empty cup in my hands and the girl was drenched in juice.


What did I do?.....


Well, well Shinji I never knew you had it in Ya *pats back*

Anyways, Yay! A somewhat not late update! I'm so happy!!

Yeah a somewhat not late update *Dancing like an idiot* so yeah...
Dance along with me *throws confetti*

Well that's all for now!

Baii baii


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