Bandits Girl (Chapter 3)

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The Bandits Girl by: Faerie_Writer


We rode into Shanty Town and were greeted by joyous cries as many young women, and small children ran up to hug men in the group. Tent flaps burst open as the people ran out allowing me to get a small glimpse inside the tents.

Each one was differently decorated, but relatively clean, which surprised me because I had always thought of bandits as barbarians. And barbarians weren't exactly clean.

I watched as some men wearing armor exited a blue silk tent and walked up to Chris' horse with perplexed looks on their faces.

"'Ello!" Chris cried, "How goes guarding the town?"

"It goes well. No troubles while you were gone Christian." A blonde man said, though as it turns out, man wasn't the appropriate word, because when he removed his helmet, I found he looked about 17 or 18.

Why were are these bandits made up of such young men?

"Good, Mitchell." Christian said addressing the young man while dismissing the rest of the guard with a wave of his hand, "Well it was good on our end. No gold in the town though..."

Mitchell cursed, "So the information was false?"

Chris shook his head, "Not false. The kings guard were there, they just weren't guarding any gold."

Mitchell's brow furrowed. "Then," he began softly, "What WERE they guarding?"

Chris was silent for a moment, before, quietly; he let his eyes drift to me, and said, "I don't exactly know." The his eyes looked over me sent shivers down my spine. Good or bad, I didn't know, but I wanted to escape his sight.

Mitchell's frown grew even deeper, but his grim expression lifted when he followed Chris gaze. "Well hello," he said, as though he hadn't seen me before, "who are you?"

Before I could answer, I felt Chris' hand slide over my mouth as he warned Mitchell, "You don't want to do that," He warned Mitchell seriously, "She has a nasty tongue."

At this I shot him a glare, and he grinned back at me harmlessly, "Well, you do."

"This," Chris said turning back Mitchell, "is Laura. She's my captive from the town with the guard."

Mitchell raised an eyebrow, "Your captive? That's a joke isn't it?"

"No, it's a true as true can be." Chris said, nuzzling me fondly, while I jerked away in disgust. Chris was not offended at all by my ways; instead he turned to Mitchell with a look that said 'See?'

"I swear," Chris said pulling me closer to him, "that if she was not tied up like a little package, she would have been long gone by now."

"Well," Mitchell said softly with a low whistle, "would you imagine that. A girl who runs AWAY from the great Christian Cross. I can only suppose that is part of reasons of interest."

I was the only girl who ran away from Christian? Well that explains a lot. Like for instance his HUGE ego.

Chris smiled, "Only part. She's... different from other girls."

Different from other girls? What did he mean by that?

As if sensing my confusion, he leaned down and whispered in my ear, "In a good way of course pet." His breath tickled my ear as I tried to shy away from him, but unlike last time, he wouldn't let me.

His arms found their way around my waist, and locked me in place as he whispered, "Oh no you don't pet."

I felt a hot red blush rise to my cheeks and part of me wanted to turn around and remind him that I had a name, which he knew and should use. But as I began to turn my head, I caught the look on Mitchell's face, which made me turn back and blush again.

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