Bandits Girl (Chapter 1 Excerpt)

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So wassup everybody? Since Bandits Girl is in the lead, and is looking like it's going to win (Though Death Kiss can still come from behind :) ) I decided to give you people a little exceprt from the first chapter of Bandits Girl so here we are :) Hope you like it:

Bandits Girl by: Faerie_Writer


As I listened to the governors story about the dangerous and fearless actions of the Cross Bandits, I heard the man next to me chuckle.

I looked over at him, and found him to be a stranger, which was a strange thing in itself.

As a poor, farming town, we didn't trade much but vegetables, and those we sold in the farmers market in the next town over, so we didn't get a lot of visitors.

Another strange this was the man's appearance. It was not as though his face were oddly shaped, on the contraire, he was handsome for a man of his age. It was the fact that he wore a forest green cloak, with a hood that mostly covered only his eyes, and the scar on his arm that resembled an 'x'.

Wait a moment...

"Governor Percy!" I called out, "What was the scar on the 2nd lieutenant's of the cross bandits arm?"

"An 'x'." Governor Percy answered through narrow eyes. I was apparent that he was annoyed with me, just like the rest of the crowd.

I eyed the man next to me, and he smiled a cruel smile in my direction. He then stood up with a sigh, "Looks like I was found out, and here I wanted to listen to the story a little while longer."

He removed his hood and the crowd gasped, "I'm 2nd lieutenant Marco Death of the cross bandits. I have been called me the Angel of Death, for two reasons, one my last name, and two, if you don't hand over all the valuables you have in this town, I will be the one sending you to your deaths."

Everyone seemed to stagger away in fear of the large man while I stood up and faced him head on. "Valuables?" I demanded, "What valuables? WE HAVE NONE!"

Marco looked at me and smiled, "The guard you have says otherwise.."

"Guard?" I asked, my face paling.

"Yes, the king's guard surrounds this town, don't pretend you don't know, as it has become quite the talk in the bandits information ring."

The King's guard? Oh no! "That idiot..." I mumbled, putting my head in my hands, "he doomed us all."

Stupid boy, didn't I tell him I could look after myself? Maybe I could reason with the bandits, get us out of the mess that I -but mainly that idiot- had caused.

"Look," I said facing Marco, "we don't have the kind of value you're seeking, we don't have any gold, of this I assure you."

Marco was grimfaced, "Then maybe the King's mistress is here, I did find myself a woman that appeared to be quite interesting..." he snapped a beefy finger and the doors were bust open.

In came two men dragging along a woman... and that woman was Julia.

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