chapter 33

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The drive was never ending I even ended up falling asleep. When I woke up I noticed I was at the grave site right in front of Coles grave
L- no please don't do this I'm sorry we didn't break up I'm sorry for being a bitch and ruining everything for you I'm sorry for sending Brooke to jail just please don't kill him
Cass- your sorrys mean nothing to me little girl
B- or me
L- please Brooke don't
B- awww she's a better that's cute
Cass- too bad begging doesn't work on us
B- not one bit
Cass- hold her
Guys- yes mam
They tightened their grips on my and I saw Brooke open the casket( they already dug it up) then I saw the knife in her hand
Cass- bring her closer
They did as she wanted and I was right next to the casket breathing shakey and I was forced to watch Brooke stab him in the heart repeatedly
Cass- next time don't mess with us
And with that Brooke stabbed him one more time leaving the knife in and they all walked away leaving me a crying mess next to his dead body
Gabe's p.o.v
We were with cole just hanging out playing video games when he started to bleeding
W- what's going on
C- I I don't know
His shirt was covered in blood now and he was looking very pale
Dal- its Brooke and cassidy it has to be
Dana- they're getting their revenge
Dav- those bitches
Before any of us could do anything cole dropped to the ground and had a blank look on his face. He he he was gone. I looked at the guys and we were all trying to stay tuff but it didn't work out so well. We were all a mess when Dana's phone went off
Dana- hey Chey, no Lauren isn't here why,shit , we'll help you look ,you're welcome
Dal- what was that about
Dana- Lauren went for a walk after cole left their house and no one has seen or heard from her since
W- you don't think they got her do you
Dal- I don't know but I'm not about to risk it let's go you guys
Dav- where do we start
Before anyone said anything an old memorial flyer for cole landed in front of us
G- you think that's a sign
Guys- yup let's go
We all climbed in are cars picking Chey and Dee up along the way and made it to the site and there she was kneeling next to the casket crying her eyes out which made us all run over to her
L- he he he's gone they k k killed him again and t t t they made me w w w watch
Dav- come on Lauren we need to get you out of here
L- no I want to stay here and be close to him
W- it's not a good idea to be here tho
L- I don't care
Girls- sis
Dal- you leave no choice
Before she could protest anymore Dalton picked her up and we all walked back to the cars and drove back to their house which as soon as we got there Lauren went up to her room even tho we wanted to talk and help her but she refused and said she wanted to take a nap
Laurens p.o.v
As soon as I laid down I cried again and eventually passed out. I hope his ghost comes back again.

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