chapter 10

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Laurens p.o.v
When I got home from taking cole I hung out with the girls.
D- so this whole time you were talking to him
Chey- that's why you didn't need therapy
L- I told you I was fine I was more than fine honestly I was happy again I was happy to be talking to him again I was happy to have him in my life again
D- how come you never told us
L- I don't know
Chey- did the guys know
L- no I didn't tell anyone
Girls- ok
It was silent for a bit then we changed the subject and decided on something to do which ended up being going to the mall and shopping cause why not right.
~few hours later~
We got back home and all went to our rooms to put our stuff away. And I didn't even notice him on the bed so when I saw his reflection I jumped.
L- cole you're not a ghost anymore you can't just appear in my room at random moments I'd like a heads up again
C- but its fun watching you jump
L- meanie
C- I know
I rolled my eyes and went back to putting stuff away. Once I was done I sat down next to him just talking about how his day went and how the guys all reacted to him being back
L- awww David is so cute
C- what do you like him
L- no why do you think that
C- you said he was cute
L- yeah cause he wanted to hug you but was scared he would fall that's cute
C- ooookkkk
L- I'm weird alright you know that
C- true
We laughed and just talked for a little longer then we both ended up passing out.

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