chapter 32

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Coles p.o.v
The last couple days me and Lauren have done everything together due to not wanting to be away from the other. Ok I don't mean everything she still went to the bathroom and showered on her own as well as I did but the rest we were always together.
G* dude are you ever planning on coming back or what
C* I think so
G* what's going on you've been weird lately
C* how so
G* kissing cassidy is pretty weird
C* you saw that
G* yes we all did how could you
C* I'll come over later to explain alright
G* alright
C* make sure all the guys are over cause they're going to want to hear this as well
G* alright
I put my phone down and went back to paying attention to Lauren who was currently asleep but I was admiring her and rubbing her back as she clung to me tighter. She woke up soon enough and we got food then played soccer for a little bit at the park then I went to Gabe's house while she did I don't know what
Dal- so what's going on
I sat down and filled them in on everything from the fake break up which started the fake relationship which caused the slip and which caused me to die any day now
W- oh my
Dav- wow
G- now I see why you have been with Lauren so much lately
C- its not that I didn't want to spend time with you guys its just
Dal- dude we get it its alright
C- you sure
Dana- yup
C- you're the best brothers ever you know that
Guys- we know
We laughed and set up video games
Laurens p.o.v
I decided to go for a walk and clear my mind of all the nonsense when all of a sudden cassidy was on my side
L- what do you want
Cass- I want you to come with me
L- why would I do that
Cass- cause I'm not giving you the option
Suddenly two bulky guys grabbed me and dragged me to some car no matter how much I screamed to be let go. Where the hell is she taking me

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