chapter 24

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Cassidy bailed me out like she said she would and we went straight to my house since that's where everything was or at least that's where everything should've been. The cops must've took everything when they arrested me.
Cass- I thought you said everything was here
B- it was but I guess the cops took it when I was arrested
Cass- alright
B- so what's the plan
Cass- since obviously he will know something is up if you reach out to him I'll do that like I'll try to talk to him and get him alone and then when we have him alone we do what wasn't done the first time
B- alright when do we start
Cass- so eager I love it but umm how about now
B- alright
I watched as she logged into Facebook and messaged him
Cass* hi cole miss me?
Coles p.o.v
Me and Lauren had just pulled apart from a make out session because well I wanted to make out cause I know she's felt weird lately so maybe this could help her relax. She got up to go to the bathroom when I heard my phone buzz I looked at it and saw a message from one of the cold heartless bitches herself
C* hell no I haven't missed you cassidy now leave me alone
L- you ok babe
C- of course
L- are you sure
C- mhmm
L- ok
I can't have Lauren knowing cassidy is trying to weasle her way back into the picture she'd worry too much. I know her insecurities so I'm not going to let them be a factor.
~couple days later~
Cassidy has still been messaging me she's even asked to see me but I keep telling her no
Cass* tell me no one more time cole and I can promise you you won't like the outcome
C* I'm not scared of you cassidy now leave me alone I won't see you deal with it
Cass* fine
I rolled my eyes and went back to sleep. Later that day I was with Lauren and I went to grab her hand but my hand went right through hers oh no
L- babe what's going on
C- I I I'm not sure

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