chapter 26

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B- well that was rude aren't you happy to see me
C- you killed me why would I be happy to see you
B- don't be so dramatic cole obviously I didn't kill you otherwise you wouldn't be here right now
C- you and I both know you did kill me and I also know you got put in jail so how are you here
Cass- hi
C- should've known I mean cold hearted bitches gotta stick together don't they
Cass- I don't remember you being so mean
C- well I don't really care but whatever you guys are doing knock it off
B- you don't tell us what to do cole
Cass- your life is in our hands so we tell you what to do now got it
C- this is ridiculous
Cass- so I'd listen to us otherwise you'll go bye bye again orrrrr your pretty little friend might go bye bye this time haven't decided yet
C- fine I'll do whatever you want but leave her out of this don't touch her don't do anything to her
B- so protective
C- of course I am I love her she means everything to me so if you do end up messing with her I'll kill myself and save you the trouble
Cass- wow
B- we'll be in touch soon
Cass- bye cole
C- wait
Girls- yes
C- can I touch again
Girls- yes but its temporary
C- of course it is
I sighed and they left I finished my drink then went back to the house only to be met with all the guys.
Dal- explain
C- what are you talking about
G- Lauren said you're becoming ghostly again
Dana- so explain cole
Dav- now dude
C- alright
We sat down and I filled them in on everything from when she started messaging me to the little meeting I just had with them.
W- so Brooke's out of jail
C- yup
Dav- and you haven't told Lauren any of this
C- nope
Gabe and Dalton looked at me then each other than they both smacked my arm cause I was sitting between them
C- what the hell
Dana- why are you hiding this from her
Dal- she deserves to know
G- she thought you were cheating
C- what
He showed me his phone and I couldn't believe it.
Dal- go explain dude
G- like now
C- I know I know and I'm going
Guys- see ya
I left and headed to her house to explain it all. I just hope she's understanding about it all.

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