the talk

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I woke up and got ready to head down to mt.Rubidox I really hope today goes well.

I walked downstairs and didn't see either of the girls so I left them a note * heading out to meet up with cole to discuss everything I will be home later and that's when I'll fill you in

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I walked downstairs and didn't see either of the girls so I left them a note
* heading out to meet up with cole to discuss everything I will be home later and that's when I'll fill you in. Love you girls *
And once I was done writing that I grabbed my keys and drove to the park then walked over to the trail to meet up with cole
C- glad you came
L- well I didn't really have a choice considering all the questions I have swimming in my head right now
C- I know I know
L- why did you do it cole
C- let's start walking and I'll explain
L- alright
C- so it started before the incident I mean I started having these feelings for you but I always pushed them aside cause of Brooke but then after the whole thing seeing you on your own seeing you miserable broke my heart and I wanted to help you I needed to help you that's why I went to you for help cause this way I could still be in your life and I could see you smile again and then after I was back holding you in my arms just felt so right I didn't want to let go so I knew I had to tell you how I felt but every time I went to tell you the words wouldn't come out
I just stayed quiet and we kept walking as he continued talking.
C- it was starting to get harder and harder to sleep like that because I wanted to kiss you and I didn't want to fight it anymore that's why I left and moved in with gabe this is why I said it was for the better this way there would be no awkwardness if I did something but it didn't work cause I kissed you and ran like a little bitch
I didn't know if he had more to say or if he was done so I looked at him briefly before focusing on the trail to make sure I didn't fall.
C- anything you want to say
L- yeah I just wasn't sure if you were done
C- oh well yeah I am so your turn
I giggled a little then looked at him
L- I don't really have much to say I just have one important question and that's why did you run
C- cause you didn't kiss me back so I figured you didn't like me back
L- you didn't give me a chance to kiss you back
C- so you wanted to kiss me
L- of course I did cole I still do cole I like you so so much I was jealous that Brooke got to be called yours especially with everything you told me I knew she didn't deserve you
C- so you deserve me
L- maybe (giggly)
C- you do there's no maybe about it
He grabbed my hand and held it and we kept walking and for the rest of the walk we just talked about random things and eventually we got to the park where our cars were at.
C- so do you have plans tonight
L- no why
C- I'm taking you out
L- oh really
C- yup but first we need to retry this
And before I could say anything his lips were on mine and oh my lanta he has to be the best kisser. I honestly didn't want to stop but I knew we had to and we pulled away.
L- wow
He laughed and pecked my lips one more time
C- see you tonight beautiful

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