chapter 27

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I got to the door and knocked and Dee answered it
D- hey ghosty
C- hey is Lauren in her room
D- yup
C- alright
And with that Dee moved to the side and let me in and I ran to Laurens room. I opened the door and just saw her laying there looking at the ceiling lost in thought clearly. I walked over to her and sat next to her
C- watcha thinking about
L- about how this is possible
C- I can tell you how but I need you to hear me out
L- ooookk
She sat up and I filled her in and I saw the anger and hurt and anger again hit her eyes
L- why didn't you tell me sooner
C- I didn't want anything to do with her so I thought it was no big deal but clearly I was wrong
L- you think
C- I know I'm sorry
L- what are we supposed to do now that Brooke is on the loose again and those two are teaming up to possibly kill you again or kill me this time
C- I don't know but I can assure you I won't let anything happen to you
She smiled at me and I kissed her due to missing the ability to kiss her as well as I feel it would calm us down after the crazy events.
C- so are you ready to deal with crazy curve balls at any given time
L- yup so we in this together
C- together forever
She leaned on me and I kissed the top of her head as we just sat there in the silence.

my ghost (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now