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"Babe!" You turned your head to see the blonde boy beside you, his face struck with worry that made him look as if he were close to tears. You raised your eyebrows before you noticed him taking off his jacket. "Wear this!" He gripped in his hand, urging you to take it.

"What? Why?" You looked up at his still concerned face.

"Are you kidding?!" He practically shouted, "it's freezing out here - you'll get ill!" He pushed his arm out closer to you, nudging your arm with the sleeve of the blue material.

"Oh, Hide, I'll be fine. Besides, I don't want you getting ill." You wrapped your arm around him, burying your face into chest. "Your warmth is all I need~"


Sneeze after sneeze after sneeze after sneeze. A rough, itching pain spread throughout your throat and every cough sent a stab to your abdomen. Tissues piled on top of one another, each one closer to falling onto the floor below. Every movement ached, every sound pierced through you. The heat in your head battled with the chill in your body.

You turned in your bed, groaning. The aftermath of ignoring Hide's advice had crept its way into you during the night, resulting in a defeating illness. You breathed in before spluttering continuously as you clutched onto your body. The ticking of the clock beside you mocked your sensitive hearing, and you turned to look at it.

8:49 AM- 14 FEB

"Oh fu-" You began to cough again as you realised the date. The thought hadn't occurred to you until just now that it was Valentine's Day- and with the condition you were in, nobody would go near you. You sighed deeply and rolled over, facing the wall. It was difficult for you to fall asleep again afterwards, but the state of your body couldn't hold on any longer.


11:09 AM- 14 FEB

You had woken up yet again, and were now staring at the small hand loop around the clock. It seemed to mesmerise you and left you in a deep thought- but not of anything in particular. You attempted to breathe through your nose, resulting in failure. Emerging your hand from your duvet protection, the snapping temperature bit into your skin. It sent goosebumps surging through you and a chill ran up your spine. You fumbled on the table, pawing your hand across the surface like a cat. The smooth plastic of your phone case finally  met your fingertips, and you retreated your arm back under the covers.

Pressing the power button, you were inexplicably blinded from the brightness of your wallpaper. You swore in your head as not to experience the pain in your throat as you tried to adjust to the brightness.


You clicked your way into the messages to see 4 texts under Hide's name. You clicked on them, and read:

-Happy Valentine's Day! xx

- I love you so so so much

- I'm guessisng you're still asleep haha, call me back when you wake up babe x

- *guessing

You smiled at his texts, and decided to call him back. The phone rang for a split-second, before he picked up. The croak in your voice startled him, and his cheery voice soon turned to worry.

"Aaaah I told you to put my coat on!" He complained down the phone, "I'm coming now, babe- stay in bed!" He hung up before you could object, causing you to groan in despair. You dropped your phone onto the bed, and waited for his arrival.

11:22 AM- 14 FEB

It hadn't even been 30 minutes until you heard the unlocking of the door. Footsteps rushed through the house, until bright, blonde hair could be seen in the doorway.

Tokyo Ghoul One-Shots (Various Characters x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now