Inspiration (Uta)

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You hurriedly rushed across the campus, your notebooks taking up all the freedom in your hands. You were 10 minutes late for an important lecture and missing out on anymore information could cost you a grade. Time had escaped from you that lunch as you were drawing the lake scenery. Several swans had lived on the lake for a couple of years now, they were your favourite animal. You adored the grace and beauty they held within them as they swam across the clear water. Your second sketchbook of the past 3 months already had around a quarter of it filled with the creatures, capturing the elegance in every pencil line.

The time was now 1:15pm. A couple of people had passed you on your way, but other than that, the campus was empty. Nature surrounded you as you anxiously played the situation you were in in your head. You hated the thought of walking into a class late- all the blank eyes staring at you as you walked in to the room, embarrassed. Usually you were early to class to avoid this endeavour, but today you were even more distracted than ever. You were playing the scene in your head a dozen times over- immersed into the too soon future- that you hadn't realised where you were going. A large group of overly confident students had formed in the middle of the path. You were looking down at the floor as you slammed into the shoulder of one of the boys. You didn't drop to the floor- but your pile of books and paper did. They crashed onto the ground.

"Watch where you're going, dipshit." The boy shouted. Mutters came from the rest of the group as their eyes stared angrily at you.

"Sorry!" You said, your faced flustered.

"Whatever." The boy replied, kicking your sketchbook further from you. The book opened itself, spilling the contents onto the public eyes. A girl laughed, as they called you unintelligible insults and walked off. You sighed and began to pick up your open notebook when a tattooed hand met yours. You gasped and stood back at the sudden appearance of the man standing in front of you. Your eyes looked up to see his, but they were covered by dark sunglasses. He had a checkered jacket on with matching skinny jeans. A beanie-like hat was covering his hair, and he had several piercings on several different parts of his face. They glittered in the sunlight. The most striking part of him were the tattoos covering his hands and neck- they were the only ones you could visibly see. The tattoos on his left hand were extremely detailed, it had beautiful patterns hidden in the larger, more noticeable parts. A skill you had learned from years of constant drawing was seeing the smaller details within larger pictures- you were glad you had picked it up.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He spoke with a softer tone than you expected. He looked down at your notebook and picked it up. He held it gently in his hands, observing the drawings on the page. "These drawings are very pretty. Did you draw them?"

"Yeah, I did." You spoke shyly. He saw your nervous expression on your face.

"They're very good. Do you draw often?"

"I try to draw almost everyday, I want to keep what skill I have."

"Of course. I like to draw a lot, too. Art is a favourite of mine. Not just on paper, as you can see." He laughed, looking down at his hand.

You laughed a little as well. "Those tattoos are beautiful. The artist must've been extremely talented."

"Thank you." He smiled. "I designed them myself."

Your eyes widened at the last comment. "Really? They're so detailed! It's stunning!"

He smiled subtly to himself. "May I look through the other pages?"

"Of-Of course! I draw a lot of swans, if you couldn't tell." You scratched your hand as you watched him flick through the pages. You were waiting for him to criticize a sketch.

Tokyo Ghoul One-Shots (Various Characters x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now