"He's An Idiot. But He's Smart."

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*Allison's POV*

It was just her left, Noah, her dad and Parish had walked off to one side, as to avoid any further damage to Noah's already ruptured emotional state. Derek, Liam and Issac were all the other side of the room, muttering in hushed whispers about something she really couldn't bring herself to be concerned with - Stiles had just pushed Minho and Scott over the door. And as much as she wanted to say she couldn't believe it.. she could. It was exactly the kind of stupid, selfless, suicidal thing he'd do.

Her eyes widened as she watched him mutter something, before taking off sprinting - in all honesty, she was surprised he had the strength, after all the running before, falling off a cliff, fighting off a Griever and climbing back up said cliff, she knew she'd likely have collapsed by now.

He swerved and navigated easily, as though he didn't need to think - his legs carried him quickly, surly, but she could see the strain on his face. It was hurting him, tiring him.

"He'll be okay." Teresa muttered, taking up residence beside Allison, she nodded absentmindedly to Stiles, though she didn't look entirely convinced, "He's an idiot. But he's smart. He'll make it."

"I hope so." Allison smiled slightly, eyes gravitating over to the screen showing Scott - who was putting a comforting arm around Malia and Lydia. She felt her heart give, she missed her friends, she'd wanted to go in with them - but her dad wouldn't let that happen, besides, what use was she? She wasn't anything special to Stiles, just his best friends girlfriend, and his friend. Malia and Lydia had the more profound connections.

Teresa sucked in breath, and it took Allison a minute to figure why - her teeth catching her lower lip as she focused on the image. Stiles was sprinting down corridors, two Grievers on his tail, he was fast, extremely fast. But even she could see it wasn't quick enough. They'd catch him.

"Run Stiles. C'mon." Teresa urged, and Allison felt herself leaning forwards in silent support. Derek, Chris and Noah had come up behind her now, all watching with the same amount of apprehension as her.

Stiles, as though sensing them, ran a little faster, launching himself at the wall - he gripped onto the vines, not pausing to check where the Grievers were, and scrambled hazardously up the wall. His movements were shifty, quick, and uncoordinated. Which is why, when the Grievers pulled themselves right up beneath him, and he flung himself backwards - kicking off the wall and flipping in midair to reach the one opposite - Allison found herself holding her breath, she let it out shakily as he pulled himself to the top of the wall and carried on running, dunking and jumping when the Griever got too close.

He pulled the same trick off a few times before reaching a drop. A hole that seemed to lead down without end, but opposite was a wall jutting upwards, that led to an even higher section of maze. Stiles paused, waiting for the Griever to catch up, before he sprung with all his might to the opposite side. Allison let out a muffled scream as she watched him slipping down the wall, he was going to fall, she could see it happening - but at the last second he managed to righten himself, the Grievers landing just above him.

Stiles ducked, crawling up and bolting - the Grievers following him. He reached out, grabbing a vine, and yanked, putting his full body weight behind it. The Grievers were few steps behind, and the vine didn't seem to be giving, but still, Stiles pulled, and pulled, until the Griever was practically on him and the plant yielded.

Allison frowned as he turned, facing the Grievers - she wanted to scream at him to move. But she couldn't. So she watched in stricken-horror as she dived under the first Grievers legs, taking the vine with him and tangling it between its legs. The Griever fell forwards, and Stiles pulled himself out at the back - not wasting a moment before using it to jump at the wall, flipping over the second Griever to land behind it. It turned, quick enough to knock Stiles's feet out, the boy was sent sprawling to the floor, coughing up lungfuls of dirt. But he didn't seem phased, instead, he pulled himself up and backtracked towards the hole - Griever on his tail.

Allison had seen this trick before, he'd dive out of the way and the Griever would fall into the hole. Leaving him harmed, but not dead. He pulled it off perfectly, thankfully, this time, and she let out a sigh she didn't even know she'd been holding.

As Stiles set off again, running, Teresa started nodding, this time sounding much more firm, "He's okay. He'll be fine."

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