"Dead? No."

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*Scotts POV*

His mind was swimming, Teresa had spent the last hour explaining the do's and don't's of the glade, while also pointing him to the exit route. They'd decided, unanimously, that Lydia, Scott and Malia would go in to fetch the gladers out - everyone else would stay out here to protect Teresa if WICKED came back, or to be on call if anything went wrong.

Scott was an obvious choice, he was Stiles brother, and Teresa had explained how slowly, she'd been making adjustments to the glade - little things she thought might spark memories. Stiles, or Thomas, she'd also said, had slowly been puzzling together his old life, and had remembered that it contained someone called Scott McCall.

Lydia was Stiles's emotional tether, so sending her in was a given, with any luck, it might make getting Stiles to trust them easier. And Malia, she was someone Stiles had saved, and kept saving - he'd also bonded with her in Eichen, he'd sacrificed his sanity for her after all. Everyone was just hoping that would be able to do something, and if not, Malia was tough enough to handle herself against anything.

"Here." Teresa pointed to a room, watching solemnly as they all filed in. It was large, spacious, and covered with glass walls everywhere, screens adorned one wall, all showing different angles of the same thing - the glade Teresa had called it - intricate panels lined underneath the screens, and Teresa slowly made her way over to them. Clicking a few things until the image changed.

Scott's breath caught in his throat, he could see them now, the gladers. But his eyes were fixed on Stiles, a bleeding, pale, dead-looking, unconscious Stiles.

"Is he-" Issac started to ask, his eyes roaming over Stiles's pale face. He looked so angular now, but not healthily so, it was more skeletal like - as though he'd been starved, and the hallows under his eyes were so dark Scott actually had the to check it wasn't just smeared dirt.

"Dead? No." Teresa quipped, "At least not yet. But these screens are how we'll monitor you, and how I'll let you out once you reach the tunnel."

"Got it." Scott nodded, tearing his eyes away from the screen. The image was burnt into his brain anyway, his brother, so lifeless. It reminded him of the time the nogitusne had taken over Stiles, and he'd become so deathly looking, Scott had convinced himself Stiles was dying then too.

"When do we go in?" Lydia asked, walking towards Teresa - she seemed the most calm now, more level-headed, or maybe she was just better at hiding her fear than the rest of them.

"Now." Teresa shrugged, she reached under the table, producing a box full of clothes - all ragged and cotton and easy to run in, with lots of pockets, "Here, if you're going into the glade, you need to look the part. No reason to give them an extra reason not to trust you."

Lydia had already pulled out an outfit, and had found matching shoes - Malia was just looking at it with distain.

Scott rummaged through, producing something that vaguely looked like what Stiles wore, only his top was the a different shade of blue. He sighed, pulling out what he thought were the girls version of it, and passed them over to Malia.

Malia took them, nose scrunched up, and sighed, "It reminds me of what we had to wear in Eichen."

Teresa laughed, pulling open the door to a cupboard "You can take it in turns getting changed in here."

Lydia went in first, and everyone bruised themselves, most were marvelling at the screens, though some were fiddling through the clothes. Scott had made his way over to Teresa, who was fiddling with the screens, pulling up different angles on Stiles, Minho and Newt.

"Why'd you laugh?" He asked, eyes fixedly on the screen, watching as Newt pressed a wet flannel to Stiles's wound - Scott pretended to ignore the twinge of pain his friend made.

"When?" Teresa asked, zooming in on an image - of Minho, brandishing a knife as he stared down at the door. She seemed to debate something, and give up, because she lent backwards, refusing to meet anyone's eye.

"When Malia talked about Eichen. You found it funny."

"No, I didn't." Teresa denied, her voice earnest. She looked over at Scott then, her face innocent, "It's just the exact same thing Thomas said when WICKED told him to put them on."

Before Scott could formulate a response, Lydia was calling him over to change, so with one last spared look at the screen, he hurried, barley taking heed of the weapons stashed against the far wall, hidden in the darkness of the cupboard.

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