"I'm Here To Save My Bestfriend."

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*Scotts POV*

"Okay Scott." The Sheriff looked up at him expectantly, brandishing his gun. On the way, they'd called everyone they could think of to help - leaving out some, as they didn't want to place them in harms way. Parrish, the Sheriff, Chris, Malia, Issac and Derek had all seemed like obvious choices, combined with Liam, Scott, Lydia and Allison, it should really be more than enough firepower. He hoped.

"We all know why we're here.. a few weeks ago we stood around just like this, only that time we saved Malia." Scott paused for effect, gesturing vaguely behind him. The building was large, wrought-iron fences encompassing it, but that's not what had them all scared - it was the Mountain Ash built into the frame work, WICKED as Stiles had called them, knew about the supernatural, and that didn't exactly bode well, "A total stranger at the time... this time it's Stiles."

"I'm here to save my son." The Sheriff cocked his gun, before setting it firmly back in its holster - fingers resting on the trigger.

"I'm here to save my best friend." Scott nodded, turning to let his eyes travel over the building - the plan was simple, Chris, the Sheriff, and Parrish would go together to destroy the Mountain Ash, once that was done, the werewolves would come in and catch Stiles's scent, then they'd split off into groups to find him. Only, knowing their luck, it wouldn't go quite so simply.

"I just didn't feel like doing any homework." Issac shrugged, holding up a hand. His other twisted in his scarf. Scott rolled his eyes.

Nobody said anything else, there was some hugging, muttered goodbyes and good lucks and then nothing - just the teenagers, stood around in a group, staring at the building wearily.

Malia and Issac were of to one side, whispering quietly - Scott could probably of listened in if he wanted, but he was too focused to care. He was so close, so close to Stiles, and yet it still felt like there was a mountain to move.

"We'll save him." Allison disentangled herself from Lydia, Liam and Derek, coming to stand beside him. Her voice was soft - like her hands, when she slipped it quietly into his. She rested her chin against his shoulder, "We will Scott."

"I know." Scott sighed finally, wrapping his hand tightly around hers. A smile built up onto his face, he couldn't voice what he thought, not about how he thought maybe it was already too late - maybe Stiles had already changed. He couldn't explain how he'd dreamt about this moment since his brother first vanished, but now it was here, he could barely bring himself to embrace it.

Because he had a horrible feeling that Stiles wasn't actually the same anymore. That perhaps, while they were here, they were already too late.

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