"Yes You Slinthead, We're The Diversion."

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Minho was the first to react, narrowing his eyes suspiciously at Thomas, before shooting Newt a look. Although it wasn't directed at him, Thomas could see its intent clear enough - Minho was silently asking if Thomas' fall had damaged more than just his pride.

"I'm fine, seriously guys. Just hear me out." Thomas scrubbed his forehead in irritation, it wasn't that he didn't appreciate Minhos concern - he did - it just bugged him how much he cared sometimes. It made his suicidal plans all the more difficult.

Minho and Newt exchanged a look, with Newt finally nodding in the affirmative. They both, almost simultaneously, turned to Thomas, giving him equally skeptical glances. Thomas sucked in a deep breath, preparing himself.

"WICKED trapped us here before right? So technically, we hold the advantage. We know this place inside and out, we know it's obstacles, it's inner workings, it's patterns. We know how WICKED works, what it wants, why its here. And, we know I asked for help, sent out the video and all that crap. So, if you look at it, we hold all the cards." Thomas sighed, satisfied with his explanation.

Minho however, was not.

"You do realise we're the ones that are trapped in a cage, right shuck-face?" Minho pointed out. Newt kicked him inconspicuously in the leg.

Thomas sighed, "Exactly. We are the experiments, the ones being watched. So, if we give them something to watch, then they won't be looking elsewhere."

Realisation dawned on Newts face, while Minho looked completely dumfound, "What?"

"As in, if they're seeing us as a threat, then they won't be looking for another one." Thomas pulled a face at Minho, slightly amused by how confused his friend was.

"And who's the 'other threat?'" It was almost comical, the frustration on Minhos face. Newt gave Thomas an amused grin.

"The McCalls. The people Tommy asked for help from. Keep up you shank." Newt explained, giving Minho a punch to the shoulder.

"So, we're the diversion?" Minho questioned, looking at Thomas with a completely new expression - one of complete and utter understanding.

"Yes you slinthead," Thomas rolled his eyes, "We're the diversion."

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