Chapter 24: The Impossible

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1 week later, two weeks since my accident.

My last check up, or hopefully my last. My mom couldn't go because, she couldn't get out of work. My dad couldn't go, because he had a meeting and some other things to take care of. Dad had already recruited Hunter into helping him with these things. So, that left my boyfriend out too and leaves me with my brother.

Ryder came with me to the doctors and sat with me during all the blood work and all the x-rays. After a while, we were in the waiting room waiting to talk to the doctor. "So, what is the doctor going to tell you? That you can finally take the sling off?" he asked flipping through a magazine. "Yes, that's the last thing that they have to clear me with. To take this damn sling off." I wiggled my arm inside of it. "Stop, don't move it until the doctor says so! It could still be broken!" Ryder scolded me. "It wasn't broken! It was a sprain! It doesn't hurt anymore!" I argued. "Paislee-Jay. The doctor will see you now." The nurse came out and got us.

"Paislee, long time, no see. What has it been? A week?" the doctor asked with a laugh. "I know! You know, as much as I love to see you, doc I hope this is the last time for a while." I laughed. "Me too. Ryder, you look more and more like your old man every day." He shook Ryder's hand. "I used to like you." Ryder joked and laughed. "Blame your father Ryder, I didn't give you those genes. I'm a doctor, not a scientist. Now, back to Paislee. The good news is you do not have to wear the sling anymore. The bad news is you're not done with me yet." He took the sling off my arm. Ryder reached for it and the doctor gave it to him. "What? Why? My arm was the last thing left from my accident." I asked confused. "Oh, it was. But, Paislee something else has caught our attention. Your HCG levels are elevated and we are a little concerned." "My HCG, isn't that the pregnancy hormone?" I asked. "Yes." "But, they told me after the first accident that I wouldn't be able to have kids." "Yes, and that's why we're concerned. Because, we were the ones who told you that you couldn't and now our tests are saying that you're pregnant." He sighed. "So, what do we do now?" Ryder spoke up for the first time in a while. "I'm sending you for more tests, and an ultrasound to see where we stand." The doctor answered.

So, they sent me for more blood work, and they made me drink a ton of water and when I could barely hold my bladder they sent me for an ultrasound. The ultrasound tech was very quiet. She barley said anything at all. Then, when it was time, she sent us back to the same waiting room that I've been in about a million times. The doctor called us back in and we sat down with him in his office this time, and not an exam room. "Paislee, I've reviewed your tests and your ultrasound. As of right now, you are 5 weeks pregnant. It's completely natural that the hospital would've missed this when you went in from the accident. From the way everything looks right now, it looks normal. The baby is growing at the correct growth rate, and it is measuring perfectly. Unfortunately, we don't know how this pregnancy will go. You could have a completely normal pregnancy and have a healthy baby or you could have complications and miscarry. You have options. You can see where this goes, but you will put on high risk until you deliver or until we are sure that this pregnancy would no longer be a danger to you or the baby." He sighed explaining everything. I just sat there and nodded.

On the way home, I couldn't believe what the doctor had just told me. "So, what are you going to do?" Ryder asked. "I'm going to tell Hunter, and then mom and dad. Then, we can make a plan and see what happens. We've dealt with tragedy so many times, it might be nice to see where this goes. It might actually be a good outcome and I think it's worth a try." I looked at my brother. "So, that's where we're at right now huh? You're going to try to have this baby? Okay, let's do it. We'll get through this as a family. The family that we haven't been in a long time." He patted my hand.

I was in my room on my laptop when Hunter came in. "Hey, babe. How'd your doctor's appointment go? I see that Ryder is wearing your sling, so you must be clear or he finally got sick of waiting for it and wrestled you for it and won." Hunter laughed. "Crippled or not, I would still win. And, no I got cleared, but I'm not through with the doctor just yet." I sighed. "Why? I thought that your arm was the last thing?" "Hunter, I have something to tell you, but please wait until I'm done explaining." "Okay." He looked concerned. "When, I got into the accident a couple weeks ago, the hospital was much more concerned over somethings more than others. They overlooked one tiny little detail. I'm pregnant. After mine and Zee's accident they told me that there was too much damage and that I would never be able to get pregnant. But, here we are. The doctor said that it could go perfectly fine or there could be complications and a miscarriage, but there is no way to know anything unless we go through with the pregnancy. There are options, but there is only one that I want to do." I sighed and told him everything. "And, what's that?" Hunter asked hugging me tightly. "I want to try and have this baby." I smiled. "And, you know what? We will, together. Let's do this." He kissed me. "Now, we have to go tell everyone." "After, Ryder's done telling them that he broke his arm."

Hunter and I walked out to the living room where everyone was. By the look on their faces, Ryder had already told them everything. I think, he wanted to reduce my stress since this isn't a sure thing just yet. My parent's didn't say anything, they just walked over and hugged me. "I already told them. And, they said the same thing that I did. We're going to deal with this as a family and we'll get through whatever happens." Ryder patted my back and smiled.

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