Chapter 3 - E.D.F.

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“Are you E.D.F.?” I questioned the figure as I approached her, still shocked that the person from my dream was right in front of me. “You were in my dream.”

“I know. It’s my Magic.” The figure replied simply.

“Your… Magic?” I asked, shaking my head slowly, and then cocked it to the side.

“Yes. You have so much to learn, Calia.” She leaned in slowly, and I laughed awkwardly at her.

 “How do you know my name?” I instantly replied, chuckling. There’s no way this person can know me. This person was totally stalking me.

“Because I was sent to come get you.” She replied like I asked a stupid question, waving her arms horizontally by her waist. I stood there speechless with a blank expression, trying to figure out of she was lying or not. Who had sent for me? Was it my real parents? Something wasn’t making sense. I had so many questions, but this one had to be asked first.

“What does E.D.F. stand for?”

“Walk with me. I’ll tell you all you need to know.” She held out her hand, and I sighed but stepped next to her as she took the lead and started following her.


“E.D.F. stands for Ezami Dream Faerie. I have the power to go into anyone’s dream.” The figure explained, walking me back to my house. “My name is Ezami, and I’m a Dream Faerie.”

I was completely confused. “A faerie? Faeries exist? You can go into my dreams?”

“Yes, yes, and I’ve only done it once.” Ezami answered all my questions at once, counting with her fingers as she listed them off.

“Can all… faeries… enter dreams?” It felt weird asking that sentence, but I managed to get it out.

“No. Just specific faeries can enter dreams. Only faeries that have that Magic.” She explained, but my confusion was getting worse.

“Are there other Magics?”

“Yes. The rare four are Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind. Only the most powerful have those. Others lesser, more common, are Gravity, Speed, Dream, and the list goes on.”

“Can you choose your Magic?” My eyes lit up, suddenly having the image of me wielding fire at my fingertips.

“No. The Academy chooses for you.” She answered, and my spirits dropped.

“Oh…” I trailed, trying to find another question when these beautifully large, white butterfly wings popped out from behind Ezami’s neck, probably from behind her dress. Ezami stopped and quickly folded them back, making them disappear out of sight.

“You have wings!?” I shrieked, pointing to the back of her dress. “Can you fly?”

 “Yes, but I only fly in Tanyela.” She answered softly, almost like she didn’t want to answer.

“What’s Tanyela?” I asked and she shot me an evil, annoyed look.

“The world all the faeries live in. It’s a sanctuary to us, unlike this world you live in.” She sounded disgusted as she pointed at the streets and smog that covered some of the air.

I ignored the insult and finally found the most important question of all. “Why did you come, and why are you telling me all this?”

“Because,” Ezami started, looking up to the sky. “Promise you won’t freak out?”

I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. “Um… sure?”

She looked at me nervously, glancing around and lowering her voice. “You are a faerie.”

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