My Fighter [17]

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My Fighter [17]

Christmas morning. Wedding day. 

There's a part of me that, when I look out the window this morning, wants to see snow on the ground. I've seen snow a handful of times, mostly during last football season when I followed Colton up to our house in Massachusetts. We flew my dad and Colton's parents up for Christmas. It made Christmas feel more like Christmas. Now it's seventy degrees this morning and I'm staring down at the green grass and I'm a little disappointed. 

I make a note to take my children up north for more than one Christmas. I don't want them to miss out on the wonder of snow. The cold I could live without but being there and building snowmen and having snowball fights was worth it. Especially with my grandmother's homemade hot chocolate. The secret ingredient is a spoonful of melted marshmallow creme. 

I look towards my husband who has his arms wrapped around a pillow and his face buried in it. His mouth is wide open, his brown hair sticking up. It's seven in the morning. Mar and Dakota will be here at ten at the latest, which means they'll be here an hour earlier. 

I ease the door open and slip into the kitchen. My shirt is up on top of my stomach and my pajama pants have a hole in the crotch. Toby got a hold of them the first week we had him and I didn't bother throwing them out. The once small hole has become a large one. 

Colton stumbles out of the bedroom his eyes searching for mine. "Merry Christmas baby," 

"Merry Christmas." 

My husband wraps his arms around me and kisses my cheek. "This is our last Christmas alone. Next year we'll be buying Toys R Us out of toys." 

I smile at the thought. "Our boys are definitely going to be spoiled." 

"Our kids are going to be spoiled. I'm not stopping after two." 

"Says the man not having to go into labor. We don't know. Labor might be so awful I might not want to have anymore children." I said, mostly teasing but there's the fear at the back of my mind. It gets closer to the surface with each passing day. Giving birth is going to be awful. It's going to hurt but I know it'll be worth it. 

"You'll see how beautiful our children are going to be and you'll want an entire army of them." He said, a smirk on his lips. He kisses my lips and takes my hand. He's pulling me into the living room where all the presents are underneath the tree. 

Our living room, our house, looks beautiful. At the top of the tree, where usually we put an angel, is a bride and groom. I had to specially order it for tonight and even though it wasn't cheap, it was worth it. 

"Let's open presents first then I'll make some breakfast." 

I nod, "Can I go first?" 

My husband laughs at my eagerness but hands me a present. Colton and I get each other one big present each year. Besides that, we get each other little small presents and they're usually gag gifts. Colton gets me a new planner for work and I get him a book called Being a Dad for Dummies. He laughs when he opens it but skims over the back of the book. 

I know he's scared of messing something up but I know he'll be a great dad. 

Colton then gets me a pair of ear plugs when tough love becomes a thing and the babies won't stop crying. Colton's mom told me that even though you might cry and you might hate it, sometimes you just have to leave your baby alone to cry. Of course she didn't have twins who probably will cry together, creating an even louder situation. But she has more experience that I do and since my mother's not here I'll take any tips I can get. In return, I got him two baby holders-one for the front and one for the back. 

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