My Fighter [9]

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My Fighter [9]

It seemed that with the days my stomach only seemed to grow even bigger. My days became one in the same. Colt and I fell into a simple routine, one we liked. Every morning Colton helped me out of bed, something I can't seem to do anymore. When I'm lying on my back I can't even see my feet. I've taken to sleeping without clothes, much to Colton's liking, because they've become scratchy and irritating to my skin. I can barely get through the school days.

Colton drives me to work every day where I spent hours upon hours teaching kids with the attention span of five seconds and everlasting questions. They always want to know more about how babies are made but I don't answer any of those questions. Instead, I change the subject and if that doesn't work I go to the coloring option. That always seems to keep their attentions.

While I'm at work, Colton goes to physical therapy that he's almost completed. His therapist says that he should be good come the beginning of next year. He'll be good as new for the next season. His coach is happy with the news. Come January, he'll be practicing with his team again and we'll go back to him being busy with practice and me with the baby.

It's now the weekend. I've had a long week and even though it's well into the afternoon I haven't moved from my bed. I got up once to go to the bathroom. My husband brought me breakfast a few hours ago and he hooked up the Netflix to the television. There's no need to get up. Colt is lying beside me with his laptop propped on his chest, very close to his face, and his left hand resting on my stomach. I'm only wearing underwear and a sports bra and his hands brush over the bulging skin.

I haven't been able to sleep through the night, at least for the last week. I got a long lecture from Colton's mom about sleeping. She says that I can't sleep on my right side anymore. It's something about more babies being stillborn if you sleep on your right side or even on your back, which sucks and has me completely terrified. What if I move while I'm sleeping so I'm on my right side or even on my back? I've never been able to sleep on my left side. God forbid I even think of trying to sleep on my stomach. I've been so scared about sleeping the wrong way that I haven't gotten much at all.

I'm leaned up against the back of the bed, knowing I should get up and start getting dressed soon. I reach over and kiss Colton's cheek. He turns his head and smiles at me.

It's the middle of football season and he's immersed himself in watching reruns of all the games. We're nearing November, already having played seven games. The Patriots have won five and lost two, both losses in which we spent the entire time yelling at the television. They are coming down to play in Florida in a few weeks and we already had our tickets. Even though Colton would never come out and say it, I know he's missing the game and is jealous that someone else is on the field and taking his spot. We haven't yet gone and seen a game, mostly because I'm not allowed to fly. Yet again something I can't do.

"We're going to have to leave soon." he said. Closing the laptop, he leans towards me and kisses the skin above my bellybutton. "We're going to find out for sure that you're a boy."

"Or a girl." I said.

"It's a boy." I shake my head as my husband kisses my stomach again. He wraps an arm around me just below the swell of my stomach and leans his head right against my breast. I rest my head against his head and close my eyes. "It's going to be a boy Ellie."

"I just don't want you to get your hopes up." I said, "What if we're having a girl?"

"Then I'll have to go out and buy her a softball glove."

I smile, "It'll be years before he or she could play any sports."

"With you and me though, our kids are going to be talented. She'll be the best softball player in the state or he'll be the best football player. If he doesn't like football there's always baseball or lacrosse or basketball."

"What if our son or daughter is an uncoordinated kid who can't tell a soccer ball from a basketball?"

"Then we'll have to learn how to sit through chorus performances and plays that suck ass."

I laugh and push my husband off me. I try to sit up but my stomach doesn't allow it. Colton thinks this is funny. His laughter is loud and I roll my eyes. This shouldn't be as funny as it is to him. "Please help me up."

Colton stands and helps me up from the bed. I take the large glass of water from off the table and gulp it down.

"No one would believe I'm not due until March of next year." I turn so I can see my side profile in the mirror. "I look like I'm about to pop and I'm only five months."

"I think you look beautiful babe."

Colton helps me slip on a loose pair of sweatpants and a large maternity shirt. It showcases my stomach but isn't tight enough to where I feel like I'm suffocating. I drink more water, praying I don't almost pee my pants like last time. There's something about having to be full to your eyeballs in liquids before an ultrasound to get a better picture. I'm not sure why and frankly I think it's stupid. I have to sit in a chair where the woman presses on my stomach for minutes at a time all the while trying not to pee on her stupid chair.

My husband slips on his own clothes before kissing my lips. "I think you always look beautiful."

"Kiss ass."

We have to wait for the doctor. I feel like my bladder is about to explode and if the doctor doesn't come in soon, we will have to wait to find out the sex of the baby. I'm nervous. Colton and I have been so sure that it is going to be a boy that if it's not, even though he says that he would be fine, I know that deep down he will be slightly upset. I know he's always wanted a few boys and I hope that's exactly what we get. Although a girl will be just as fine. I place a hand on my stomach as I fidget in this chair. The paper is pressed against my back and is starting to irritate my skin. I can see my feet for the first time in days and they're swelling up, as are my fingers. My skin feels tight as it expands and all I want is popcorn and pickles, still.

"When we get out of here we'll get you something to eat."

I love how he can always tell what I'm thinking. That and I pretty sure the entire place can hear my stomach growling. "I have to pee."

"I know you do, but it'll be worth it. I swear."

"I want a large cheeseburger after this Colton and cheese fries."

"Then that's what we'll get."

My husband kisses my lips and rests his forehead against mine as his hand brushes against my exposed stomach. "I love you."

"I love you too."

The doctor takes a few more minutes to enter our room and I couldn't have been happier to see her face. She smiles at me and says hello before getting to work. "This will only take a few minutes. As soon as we can find the baby, I'll get you two some copies of the ultrasound and you can go to the bathroom."

"Thank you."

She rubs the gel on my stomach around with her gloved hands. No matter how many times this happens I still cringe when the cold substance touches my skin. "Are you ready to find out what you are going to have?"

"We are." Colton says.

I can already feel the tears welling in my eyes as she places the stick onto my stomach and I can see my baby on the screen. When she tells me what we're having, what is growing in my stomach, I can help but smile and cry. We're having a baby and I can't wait for them to come out and see the world. My husband kisses me with tears in his eyes and the doctor wipes the gel away with a cloth.

"Congratulations you two." she said.

I smile up at her and say, "Thank you." 

[author's note]


I know it's short. The next chapter you'll find out if it's a boy or a girl. 
Please let me know if you have any ideas of baby names for their kids. Any names I use will get you a dedicated/shout out. 


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