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I found this picture and I decided to try to write a oneshot about it. Probably happened in season two.

Chopper rolled through the halls of the Ghost. The organic lifeforms were sleeping. Chopper didn't need sleep, he only needed to recharge every now and then, so he was always up at night. It was always very quiet. Quiet was the perfect time for pranks.

Chopper beeped quiet laughter to himself as he rolled towards the jedi's room. He had an excellent prank prepared for tonight.
Chopper remembered other pranks that he had done. That one time where he'd stolen the jedi's hair ties, or that other time when he'd drawn a mustache on Zeb with one of Sabine's pink paint markers, they were all priceless.

Today he had something better planned. Kanan's room's door slid open with a quiet hiss. Chopper rolled inside as quietly as possible and made his way to the jedi's drawers.

Chopper opened the sock drawer and began stealing one sock from a few pairs. When he had collected about six he rolled out of the room and the door closed quietly behind him. He proceeded to go into each room and do the same.

After he collected all the socks he went back into the rooms and matched up all the single socks with a different one. The only problem with this prank was that Zeb didn't wear socks. It didn't matter, Chopper would get Zeb later, he always did. Chopper always won.

After Chopper finished mixing up the socks he went to his charging station. He mechanically laughed to himself before powering down. Their reactions would be priceless.

. . . . . .

It took a few days (and a few more nightly raids) but finally one of the crew members noticed. Chopper had been getting very impatient, but when the small, annoying one called Ezra had noticed that he had a pink sock in his drawer, Chopper didn't have to wait for the crew's reactions any more.

Ezra walked into the cockpit with a confused expression on his face. Chopper noticed the pink sock in his hand and watched what would unfold intently.

"Hey is this sock any of yours?" Ezra asked the rest of the crew, holding it up.

Kanan, Hera and Zeb said no, but Sabine said, "Yeah, it's mine, why do you have it?"

"I found it in my drawer attached to one of my socks," Ezra said as he handed the sock to Sabine and sat down.

"That's funny," Hera said, "that same thing happened to me yesterday. I found one of Kanan's socks in my drawer."

"I found a sock that didn't belong to me a few days ago, but I just put it in the wash room," Kanan said.

"Was it blue?" Ezra asked.

"Yeah why?"

"One of my blue socks is missing it's match," Ezra replied, "I found it alone in my drawer."

Chopper watched all the crew members getting more and more confused and laughed evily to himself.

Unfortunately Hera heard him. She put two and two together and said, "Chopper, did you do this?"

Chopper looked at all the crew's faces, saw that they were not pleased, and he beeped a farewell, saluted them with one of his metal arms, and rolled out of there as fast as he could. The angry shouts of the rest of the crew didn't dampen the fact that Chopper still thought it had been the best prank ever.

It's not the best, but it was fun to write. I love writing in Chopper's perspective.

Ghost Stories (Star Wars Rebels Oneshots) (DISCONTINUED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora