Rhetorical Questions

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This took place sometime in season one.

Kanan was in his room when he heard a knock on the door. "Come in," he responded. It was Ezra. Kanan immediately knew something was up because his padawan never knocked.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Oh, um, I was, uh, wondering if I could ask you a, er, rhetorical question," Ezra stuttered. He was fidgeting the whole time and avoiding eye contact.

Kanan raised an eyebrow. "Sure, what is it?" he asked.

"Say I, uh, broke something, like, um let's say, the Phantom's controls, should I tell someone, like, um, Hera for example, or should I run away and never come back?"

Kanan knew where this was going, but he decided to play along. "Well let's go over the two options you pointed out," Kanan began, "If you told Hera about the rhetorical broken controls, she'd probably either give you clean up duty for a month, or kill you." Ezra gulped at this and Kanan hid a smile. "If you rhetorically ran away and never came back, you wouldn't get killed, but you wouldn't have any where to go," Kanan continued.

"Oh, um, great advice. All rhetorical of course," Ezra added, "I'm gonna, um, go and pack- I mean ponder your great advice." Ezra turned and began to walk out.

"Wait," Kanan said and Ezra stopped and turned back, apprehension on his face. "I'll help you fix the Phantom's controls before Hera finds out," Kanan offered.

"You will? I mean, the Phantom's controls aren't broken, what are you talking about?" Ezra stumbled over the words.

"Ezra, you're a terrible liar," Kanan stated bluntly.

Ezra sighed. "Just don't tell Hera," he pleaded.

"I won't," Kanan promised as they made their way to the Phantom, "How'd you break the controls?"

"Don't ask."

This took two seconds. I was bored so I wrote. :)

Also how awesome is that picture?

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