Flooded (+ Note)

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So I've noticed that a lot of people have been reading this book lately.  I personally don't like the writing on this book because it's old and pretty bad from my point of view, but I won't take the book down because people still seem to be enjoying it. But after this chapter I'm probably not updating it anymore. I still love Star Wars Rebels, but I just don't know if I could get in the writing spirit. It's over, and I'm all out of ideas, so sorry if you really wanted me to keep updating. I found this story in some old drafts, and while I think it's really bad, I don't really want to revise it, so I'm just posting it before I chicken out and change my mind. Maybe someone will like it. So yeah, this book is now discontinued. May the Force be with you all.

"Hey Hera I'm going for a walk!" Ezra shouted as loud as he could from the ramp.

"Ok, just be back soon, there's a big storm coming!" Hera's voice yelled back.

Ezra turned and ran down the ramp.

After just running for a bit, Ezra slowed to a walk. He liked walking. It was a good way to think, and one of the only things he could legally do for fun when he was on the streets.

He looked up at the sky as a gust of wind rippled the grass around him. He couldn't see the blue of the sky, just gray clouds. On the horizon the clouds looked more black than gray, dark and menacing.

I should probably turn back soon, Ezra thought. The wind was picking up and the carrying the storm his way.

Suddenly the ground beneath Ezra crumbled. Ezra cried out in surprise as he found himself falling. He hit the ground hard and rolled a few times. Ezra just laid there for a bit. He opened his eyes and squinted as the dust from his fall made them water.

Ezra sat up with a groan. His whole body ached. He looked up to see a dirt wall. Ezra frowned. He stood up shakily and turned in a circle. He was in a hole. He'd fallen into a hole.

"Oops," Ezra said as he brushed as much dirt off himself as he could. Ezra looked up at the sky to see that it was getting darker.

"I better get out of here," Ezra muttered to himself, and he walked up to the side of the hole to look for a way up.

A few scraggly roots stuck out here and there along the side, but it was mostly loosely packed dirt. Ezra didn't see any large roots or rocks to grab onto.

"Well, climbing's out," Ezra reasoned. He decided to jump for it.

He missed the top by feet. He also loosed a lot of dirt into his eyes. With his eyes watering painfully, Ezra searched for the shortest side of the hole. There didn't really seem to be a shortest side.

After his eyes had stopped hurting so much, Ezra backed up until his back was up against a side and ran for the other. He managed to leap a bit higher, but he still wasn't even close to the top.

"Well this is just great," Ezra grumbled as he leaned against the side and slid down to a sitting position.

Ezra reached for his belt to call for help, and then he panicked when he didn't feel his comm attached to it.

"Karabast, I left it on the ship," Ezra cursed. Of all the times to forget his comm, it had to be now.

Ezra felt something wet hit his face. He looked up in time for it to start raining.

"Oh come on," Ezra groaned, "Really? Now? It has to rain right now?" Ezra pulled his knees to his chest and tried to shield himself from the rain by pressing up against the side of the hole. Key word tried.

"How the heck am I supposed to get out of here?" Ezra wondered aloud. He tried to think of a way to contact the crew, but he came up with nothing. He already knew that he couldn't climb or jump out.

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