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Like always Kanan was the first awake, and in the crew's opinion it was way to early for anyone to be awake.

"Wake up everyone!" Kanan yelled as he walked through the hallway knocking on doors, "We have a supply run today!"

Three groans came from two of the rooms. Hera came from the last, looking really disheveled. "Remind me, why do we have to be up at 6:00 am love?" She asked. She looked hurriedly dressed, and had dark circles under her green eyes.

"The early lothcat gets the lothrat, and the early crew gets the best supplies," Kanan replied. He sounded way to optimistic for the time of day.

Sabine came out of her room a second later. She too looked hurriedly dressed and looked like she needed to brush her multicolored hair.

"Nice bedhead," Kanan observed.

"Oh shut up ponytail," Sabine said grumpily as she pushed past him and marched into the bathroom to finish getting ready.

"Ponytail?" Kanan said confused as Hera tried to smother her laughter. He shrugged and walked over to Zeb and Ezra's room.

"Rise and shine!" he said rapping on the door.

"Go away," came Ezra's muffled reply. It sounded like his face was stuffed in his pillow. "It's too early, I'll bet the clock doesn't know what time it is."

"It's 6:07," Kanan replied as he checked the time.

"I'm coming," came Zeb's gruff reply. He walked out of the room, slouched a little with the fur on the side of his head flattened. "I'm gonna go eat something," he mumbled and shuffled off towards the kitchen.

"Ezra!" Kanan said, knocking on the door again, which had closed behind Zeb, "Don't make me come in there and drag you out of bed again!"

Inside the room Ezra held out his hand and used the force to lock the door, than he burrowed under the covers and put his pillow over his head. Its way to early, he thought to himself, no way am I getting out of bed.

"Ezra open the door or I'll have Chopper come open it," Kanan yelled. He sounded really frustrated because he couldn't get the door open.

"No," Ezra replied, his voice still muffled by the pillow.
"Chopper!" Kanan shouted. Ezra heard him stomp away to go find the droid.

Where could I go to get some peace and quiet? Ezra thought to himself as he sat up and looked around. He looked up at the vent cover. Ah-ha!

. . . . .

After Chopper hacked the door codes, which Ezra had changed again, Kanan stormed into the room, only to find that his padawan was not there. Nor was his blanket or pillow. After a moment of thinking, Kanan yelled, "Ezra! Get out of the vents!" There was no response. Grumbling, Kanan went off to find Hera and tell her the problem.

After he left, Chopper got an idea. He beeped happily to himself as he plugged into the Ghost's controls.

. . . . .

Ezra woke up shivering badly in the the vents. Cold air was blasting through them. Why is it so cold? he thought. He grabbed his blanket and wrapped it around himself and began crawling back to his room, Kanan would be gone by now anyways.

. . . . .

"Karabast!" Zeb said as he walked into the common room, "Whys it so cold in here?"

"T-that's a good question," Sabine said, shivering.

Hera and Kanan stopped talking about how to get Ezra out of the vents and checked the thermostat.

"Why is it 25 degrees all of a sudden?" Kanan asked.

Chopper rolled in at that exact moment and beeped triumphantly, waving his mechanical arms in the air.

"You turned the AC on full blast!?" Hera yelled, "Why would you do that Chopper!?"

Chopper beeped again and everyone except for Zeb gasped.
"What, what'd he say?" Zeb asked.

"He did it to get Ezra out of the vents," Kanan said.

"Karabast," Zeb said. They all got up and began searching the vents to find Ezra before he froze. Hera had Chopper turn the air conditioning off.

"Found him!" Came Sabine's voice from the nose gun.
They all raced towards her voice and they all tried not to laugh at what they saw.

Ezra looked as if he had fallen out of the vents into the chair, and then promptly fallen asleep again with his blanket wrapped tightly around him. Sabine was clutching her sides with silent laughter at the funny sight.

Hera shook her head and left. Zeb did to, kicking Chopper on the way out. Chopper raced after him and Sabine left to go try to catch her breath.

Kanan went over to try to wake up his padawan who was sleeping like a rock. "Ezra wake up," he said shaking him.

Ezra mumbled something incoherent and rolled over. He fell out of the chair with a thump.

Kanan winced. Ezra sat up groggily and looked around rubbing the back of his neck.

"Wha happened?" he said with a huge yawn.

Kanan bit back a yawn in return and replied, "You didn't get out of bed when I asked you to."

"Why was it so cold in the vents?" He asked looking up at Kanan with bleary eyes.

"Chopper turned the air conditioning on to get you out of the vents, now come on," he said pulling Ezra to his feet, "go get ready for the supply run."

As Ezra stumbled off to his room to get dressed and put his pillow and blanket back Kanan added, "And don't you dare go back to sleep!"

I wrote this one a while ago and just found it. I revised it a little bit.

>=<  - - - -    |-o-|

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