All I ask of you

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I run a hand over my face feeling exhausted, Reagan's wedding had gone on for hours. I toss my suit jacket aside on a chair, I plop down on my bed and let my shoes fall at the end of the bed.

"That was quite a beautiful wedding. Amelia makes a lovely bride." An all too familiar voice I haven't heard in three centuries speaks up suddenly. My eyes widen in fear as my head shoots up towards the balcony. I'm on my feet in an instant as I watch an old face step out of the shadows. His brown eyes are full of hatred and thirst for revenge.

"You... How the hell did you find us? Why are you here?" The panic in my voice is on full display. He smiles knowing damn well I'm scared of him. He has a dangerous connection to my family that Reagan has no idea about, Luc and I believed it would be the best way to keep her safe. But with what's coming next that may turn out to be a terrible idea.

"Oh Rixton you know full well the power I have at my disposal and still you ask stupid questions. As for the other question-" He stops himself and fiddles with his pendant with a small green stone. He looks back up at me smirking.

"Well, you'll find out soon enough." With a flick of his wrist my eyes roll back in my head and everything goes black.

I'd done my best to sleep in the morning after my wedding but unfortunately, Klaus had demanded my presence along with Jackson. Suffice to say I wasn't happy at all especially with the conversation taking place.

"It's time to use our werewolf army. Finn and the woman who calls herself my sister are in this city. The wolves can help us pinpoint their location." As much as I hated to agree with him he had a point, both Finn and Freya were dangerous and posed a threat to the kids.

"No, we need all hands on deck here with Hope." Klaus' eyes widen in annoyance.  "Nik, you can compel humans to track your enemies." Hayley sits with us looking rather annoyed with his demands. 

"Do my ears deceive me or did you just give me an order in my own home?" 

I butt into the conversation. "My god Klaus this isn't about your ego! My kids and your daughter are the people that really matter here." Klaus' mood turns sour as he takes my comment as an insult.

"How dare you question my intentions for my daughter!"

"Oh please, Klaus like you won't do the same thing if the roles were reversed." I stand up throwing my hands in the air completely exasperated with him.

Hayley looks up, pinching the bridge of her nose.  "Jack, Klaus is right. Finn's body disappeared from the morgue, which means that he's either powerful enough to heal from that explosion, or Freya's powerful enough to save him. Either way, we're not finding them unless we send our best people out there."  Jackson sighs in frustration, all of us reluctant to follow his orders

"I'm sure you and all your merry men will find them posthaste." 

Jackson stands to look Klaus in the eye.  "Just to be clear, I'm giving this order because Hayley is asking and Reagan is my wife." Klaus opens his mouth to speak, but Jackson cuts him off before he can say anything.  "Don't think for one second that I take orders from you." Jackson angrily leaves the room to go speak with Aiden. I make a swift exit to go play with the twins in an effort to calm my mood.

"Reagan!" I'm halfway to my room when I hear my name being called out. I turn to look back and see Rixton making his way over smiling, something seems off but I can't seem to place it and do my best to brush it off.

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