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'Balance Jerry... the universe craves it. Have you heard of equivelant exchange? It's the theory that everything that's taken is replaced somewhere else... it's a universal balance. For every death there is a birth... every action has a consequence... yin and yang, black and white, day and night... the universe is full of opposites that create a balance... and then there is karma, the belief that good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people... balance Jerry... you are a bad person. You slept with my wife knowing she was married, you knew what you were doing was wrong yet you did it anyway... bad Jerry... actions have consequence.

I am not a bad man... I have done the best I can through this life. Life has thrown me so many mountains to climb and I have laboured so hard to get over them. I am not a bad man but I am a desperate one... I believe balance is needed. I know why my wife cheated on me with you... I harbour no ill will towards her, you are the only one to blame. Like I said, life has thrown me many mountains... one huge one that led my wife astray into your decrepid arms is the fact that we have been trying to have a baby for years now. We have tried everything but I can not give my wife the one thing that she craves... a child. I have thought of every scenario, gone through everything in my mind... and it all comes down to balance. I have done good my whole life so I feel I am entitled to a little bad... you have done bad and the universe needs to punish you for it so I feel I can be the hand of the universe. It can all work out, everything can balance and everyone can be happy, don't you see Jerry... it's perfect. It will all balance... death will create a birth. You, who have ruined my family will save it. Your death will leave a void that the universe will fill... and my wife will finally have what she wants... a baby that will save our marriage.

It will all work out, it will all balance. Goodbye Jerry... this is the only way.'

Bang. Life taken... balance?

****what did you think of this one? desperate people do desperate things and people will always try to justify their actions no matter what they are... what are your thoughts?****

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2017 ⏰

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