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Here is the next chapter for everyone! Make sure to vote and check out my newest fanfiction "A Flaming rose!" It has thranduil and fili in it! Make sure to check it out! I'm sure you will like it:)

I could feel the familiar feeling of a certain mattress from under me. I tried to slowly opened my eyes but even that seemed hard. I couldn't move because I could feel pain surging throughout my body. I laid there in my old room. It felt so strange but I felt like I was finally back. Soon the thought of my dead brother and family came flooding into my mind at once. I started to sob uncontrollably then I remembered his words before I left.

"I will wait here for you to fall, and when you come back asking for my help I will not offer any."

He said he would not help me, but here I am. Maybe there is more to him than I realize, either that or Legolas was the only one who really watched out for me. I started to think a lot of Thranduil from the first day I saw him in the forest to him turning to look at me as my eyes closed. I was surprised I was still alive, but I was not going to question anything.

I had spent a weeks in bed and no one has come to visit me, not even Legolas, only nurses who would help me and take care of my wound. I would just lay in there and think to myself. I missed Legolas and surprisingly I even missed Thranduil. It pained my heart to see that they were not even going to come see me, so when I was able to limp out of bed still with a bandage on, I went to the library. I could see him in his usual spot and that gave me comfort, but then I could feel anger radiate from inside of me.

"You are a cold, selfish, mean controlling...." I started to yell until I was interrupted.

Just as I was talking he had walked up to me and placed his lips on mine. I was surprised but I could feel the passion he had been holding back all this time. Before I knew it I was kissing him back as we held eachother.

"But..." I whispered.

"Just because I say something doesn't mean it's true, especially words like that. I'm sorry," he said.

"You know other than your rudeness there is something else. Kindness," I said placing my hand on his cheek.

"I just think you have trouble showing your emotions. You need to loosen up a bit," I said.

He placed his hand in mine as he said "Show me."

"How about laughing? You need to laugh a little more."

He began to chuckle but then it turned into a strange evil sounding laugh.

"Needs a little work," I said, chuckling.

"How about dancing?" I asked him.

"I haven't danced in a long time," he said looking down.

I grabbed his hand and told him to put the other on my waste. He hesitated because of my wound but I told him I could manage. I was in pain, but watching him smile made me push through it. He did as I instructed him.

"You just need to remember," I told him.

"I will after you lead the way," he whispered in my ear.

I could feel the butterflies in my stomach evaporate as I entwined my fingers with his. He stepped closer to me so we were chest to chest. We began to dance around the room and everything felt like a dream. Nothing separated us as we gazed at each other; it was like floating on air. My feelings were beginning to change. I started to realize my true feelings for him: it was love.

Suddenly, a jolt of pain caused me to jump and fall to the floor, taking him with me..

"Just as I was about to dip you," he said with a smile.

I smiled back at him. He laid on top of me, but he supported his weight with his elbows. His face was so close to mine I began to blush. We stayed there. I could feel his firm chest. He rolled off of me and laid next to me, starting to stroke my hair. As I looked up I noticed the portrait of the woman. As I studied the picture intently I noticed why she looked so familiar, she looked a lot like me. Then everything seemed to flood into my mind at once like a waterfall emptying into a ravine. Tears poured from my eyes as In turned to look at Thranduil.

"Why are you crying?" he asked me, but I ignored his words.

My dreams, the memories, the feelings I had for him, everything with him was real. My name was not Nellie, its Mireth. Thrnaduil continued to look at me, slightly worried. Just as he was about to say something I smiled and hugged him tightly, ignoring the excruciating pain in my chest. I embraced him like I had not seen him in years, but it felt like years. Although my memories returned what happened after the fire was still unclear to me. I placed my hand on his cheek. I started to cry harder which was making it hard to see his beautiful eyes. For so long my heart ached.

I had been away from the love of my life and didn't realize it. He grabbed my hand.

"Mireth?" he asked.

I nodded with joy as I hugged him tighter.

"I am so sorry. I am so sorry," I said.

"Sh..." he whispered, gently rubbing my back.

"All this time you kept me here because you knew. Even though I couldn't remember you never gave up. After all this time," I said.

"But the pain was worth it because I have never stopped loving you."

Soon our lips met once again and I was reunited with the person I have always known.

"Gellon ned i galar i chent gîn ned i gladhog," he whispered to me.

He used to always say that to me when I was feeling down, but hearing him say it now meant more to me.

"Gi melin," I answered back.

I then heard the sound of scurrying feet and Legolas ran into the room.

"Legolas!" I screamed.

His face was serious but then he smiled. I was confused as to why he was like that.

"What's wrong Legolas?" Thranduil asked.

"We've captured them," he answered.

And end of chapter 8! Although she has her memories back in does not stop the drama and suspense because who have they captured? How will things unfold now that she has her memory back? Keep reading and find out!


  Gellon ned i galar i chent gîn ned i gladhog:   I love to see your eyes shine when you laugh

 Gi melin: I love you

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