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 I think this chapter is a little long, but it is worth this. Keep hanging in there because things will get very interesting very fast! Make sure to leave a comment and tell me what you think!

No soon after Thranduil left my room Legolas entered. Whenever I see him I always find myself smiling, but after what just happened I was not in the mood. Right when Legolas saw me he could put the pieces together.

"Don't worry," he told me.

"I'm not going to," I said crossing my arms.

"You just don't understand yet."

"Yeah, I don't. I don't understand him at all," I said.

Legolas rested his elbows on the bed and rested his face on his hands.

"This may confuse you, but he  thinks you are someone else."

"What? Who?" I asked in a surprised tone.

"It is not my place to say," was his only reply.

"Do you think I am someone else?" I asked Legolas hoping for an honest answer.

"Only time will tell," he said lifting his head.

"Fine, don't tell me. I'll figure things out on my own."

Legolas smiled softly at my determination. He stayed with me the rest of the night as we spend the time talking about random things: my brothers, orcs, stories, and occasionally his mother.

"Goodnight Mireth," he said standing and heading for the door.

"Goodnight," I responded to him as if him calling me that was normal.


I laid there and let the silence of the room eat me up. It seems hard. It seems hard to understand him. A part of me wants to get to know him, but the other is too afraid. If only he had treated me differently, maybe we would be on the same page, but there is so much more to him I just don't know. Now that I think about it, maybe it was fate. I'm not sure if I believe it though. My last hope was to get to know him better. If I was going to be stuck here I might as well make the most of it. My strength had been drained from last night so I closed my eyes and started to imagine his eyes. Their soft gaze, they reminded me of a clear ocean. His eyes seemed to hold many things, experienced many things, and I wanted to know it all. Realizing I would be stuck in bed for a few days made me sigh. I hated being bedridden, unable to go anywhere or do anything.

The smell of freshly picked flowers caused me to open my eyes. They smelled sweet and refreshing, reminding me of the days I would spend outside playing tag with my youngest brother Tommy. I rolled over and noticed a vase full of roses sitting next to my bed. It was a small gesture, but it made me feel much better. I noticed a note, folded and addressed to me. In stretched with my right arm to retrieve it.

Hope these freshen up your day.    -Legolas

I began to blush and giggle when I read it was from Legolas. He was truly a caring person and was beginning to be a good friend. The complete opposite of his father. I sat up and supported my back with a pillow, making the events of last night pop into mind. After a while of some more laying I began to tap my hand on the sheets as a form of entertainment. As I continued to tap my hand the door swung open.

"So much for knocking," I thought.

After what happened yesterday there was awkwardness floating in the air. I did not want to waste time trying to talk to him. Thranduil stayed at the doorway wearing a metallic cloak and black boots. I noticed the pendant he wore which I assumed to resemble branches, but all it did was remind me of spiders.

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