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I know it's a bit of a jump but the story will just get better trust me! As Nellie's feelings for Thranduil grow so intense she decides she can no longer stay, but does she have a home to return to? This chapter is packed with emotion so make sure to tell me what you think!

(A year later)

It was already midday when I remembered my main goal: talk to Thranduil, so I approached him in the library. I noticed he was spending more and more time in there, reading the same book over and over. I don't want to say I'm worried about him, but he has been acting strange lately. He has been kinder towards me, but I actually missed his cold personality. I had become so used to arguing and seeing his cold stare that it seemed normal. I just had to get used to the way he was.

Once I saw him I began to feel nervous. It seemed like an adventure just to talk to him.

"May I ask you something?" I asked, sitting next to him.

He looked at me and put his hands on mine. He nodded his head, but I slid my hand out from under his. I wanted to get straight to the point.

"I've been here for a year already. There is no purpose for me to stay. Let me go."

He looked up surprised not only at my gesture but mostly at the question. I guessed he had become so used to having me around it would be very different and I felt the same. Mirkwood was becoming my new home and I knew it would not be wise. If I continued on the way things were not only would I forget my family but I would fall in love with him, and I had to stop myself. My feelings for him have grown everyday, at times becoming so uncontrollable. I wanted to stay, I really did. My wanting to leave was an attempt for me to runaway. I once wanted to find love, find a man to die for, but he was not the man I dreamed. He was a king, an elf and not the man for me.

"Why is it that you bring it up now? It has been sometime since you have asked me," was his response.

He seemed to not take my words seriously and just started reading again. I shut the book on him and stared him in the eyes. My heart felt like it was going to burst. I had to act like it was not hard for me when it was the complete opposite.

"I have allowed you to keep me here for a year. You have no more power over me. I'm going to leave," I said trying to sound as firm as possible.

He seemed to be trying to organize all his thoughts as feelings. I figured it would be easy for him. He did not love me. I only served as entertainment for him. He was a king; he had many women in his life, one less would not matter.

"Fine. Leave and see how far your legs will carry you. I will wait here for you to fall, and when you come back asking for my help I will not offer any. I gave you a chance, but I see you have made your decision," he said raising his voice and putting his face closer to mine.

"A chance for what? I am not whoever you think I am," I said getting just as in his face.

"I know who you are," he said.

"No. You don't, goodbye," I said lifting myself up from the floor and heading for the door.

"I know you more than you know yourself," were his last words.

As I slammed the door behind me I walked slowly back to my room in tears. It pained me deeply to leave. Leaving Legolas, Amareth and Thranduil was not going to be easy. I went into my room and gathered all my things. It seemed word traveled fast and as I approached the gate Legolas was standing right in front of it.

"So it is true, you are leaving," Legolas said with sadness in his eyes.

"Yes. I do not belong here," I said.

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