Chapter 26: Problems Solved

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Minghao's p.o.v.

I sat in the back of van driving back to the dorm.

We've finished filming the new music video and my parents left to head back to China while we were filming. I had the option to go see them leave but I said that would be better for me to just stay at the filming location.

It probably would have been a good idea to go see them before they went back home but I just can't face them right now. I'm still to afraid of what they are going to say.

I looked away from the window, where I had been looking, and my eyes wandered to the row of seats in front of me. Just like me, Jun has both his headphones in and is drowning out all the other members in the van.

I take a deep breath and sigh as I think about how I need to talk with Jun. I would have thought us making up would have been nothing but after what Jeonghan told me about how upset Jun was last night and how he was acting earlier, it seems like making up may stand to be a challenge.

I stared at the back of Jun's head for awhile. As I did I was trying to figure out what was going on in his head and why he had become so upset over what happened last night. When Jeonghan had told me last night I thought it wasn't the truth but when I said Jun show up to the filming location he seemed like someone who didn't care about life anymore. Like he was just going through the motions of life without actually caring about anything.

Once we were filming he seemed a bit better but that might have just been the make up hiding the lack of sleep and obvious crying. In all honestly I was probably the exact same. I didn't bother to look in the mirror all that much. I'm sure Jun did though. He's that kind of person.

Thinking about it, the staff probably assumed it was because our parents were leaving today. This happened at a convenient time. Jun and I have the perfect excuse without even having to tell the lie because if the staff think that it's about our parents, they won't ask about it. Probably in fear that we'll get upset again or something. If only they knew the real reason Jun and I have been crying and have a lack of sleep on our faces.

When we finally make it to the dorms, I am slow making it inside. Once I am inside I look around and notice Jun is in our room on his bed, probably trying to sleep or something. I notice Dino is in there too. I can't talk to Jun if Dino's in there. It'll make things awkward, more awkward then they will already be.

Jeonghan started walking by me but stopped when he saw me looking in the room. He followed my gaze to where Dino was sitting on his bed, playing around on his phone.

"Dino." Jeonghan called and Dino looked up at the two of us. "Come out to the living room for a minute. I want to talk to you about something."

"Alright." Dino said, getting up and making his way out of the room.

"I'll be there in one second." Jeonghan said as Dino walked down the hallway and then he turned to me. "Now, go talk to Jun. I can't stand seeing the two of you like this."

I nodded. "Thanks, I guess."

Jeonghan smiled before heading down the hallway in the direction Dino had gone moments before. I sighed before making my way the opposite way, into the bedroom. Here goes nothing.

"Hyung." I called quietly, not waiting to scare him. "I think we need to talk."

"I guess we do." Jun said, sitting up in his bed, looking at me. "I have nothing to say so if we're talking it's all you."

I noticed that he had been crying again.

"I don't know what I should say." I admitted. "I don't understand why you're so upset."

"Maybe it's because you screamed at me and told me that everything was my fault." Jun said bitterly. "How was I supposed to feel? Like everything was fine, because it wasn't! You made me feel like everything was going to be the opposite of fine."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel like that." I told him. "I thought you'd know that I was just angry and that I didn't actually mean any of what I said."

"Really?" Jun asked.

"Yes." I said, pausing before continuing. "I know that it wasn't your fault. It was no one's fault. It just happened and I can't blame anyone for it."

Jun nodded. "I had never seen you so angry before. I got scared."

I nodded as well. "I shouldn't have been that angry. I think I didn't know how to handle how I was feeling so it came out as angry."

"How were you feeling?" Jun asked, getting off his bed and moving closer to me. "How are you feeling now?"

"I was really scared of what my mother was going to think." I said, tears starting to fill my eyes. "I still am."

Jun said nothing but pulled me into a bone crushing hug. The second my face hit his chest I started crying.

"I going to assume you didn't go to the airport today." Jun said as he rubbed my back. "Did you at least talk to your parents?"

I shook my head, pulling slightly away from his chest. "I was to afraid to face them but I guess I have to at some point."

"Yes and soon." Jun said, holding my face between his hands and I noticed his eyes were full of tears. "You know it'll be best to do it sooner rather then later."

I nodded. "I know but I'm just scared."

"How about this." Jun started. "You skype your parents within the next few day and I will be right beside you the whole time and I can help you talk to them."

"I like that idea." I said before smiling. "Thank you for understanding."

"Just please don't ever get angry like that again." Jun said and looked sad. "I was so afraid that everything was screwed up and that you'd hate me forever and that you'd stop dating me and I really didn't want that to happen and-"

I cut Jun off by kissing him. He seemed surprised when I pulled back but he didn't continue talking.

"I thought that would be the fastest way to get you to stop talking." I told him and he slowly nodded. "Does that also prove you that I'm not still angry and that I still want to date you?"

Jun looked like he was thinking rather hard about things. "I'm not sure. You may have to do it again."

I laughed but pecked his lips again.

"On second thought maybe you'll have to do it a few more things." Jun said with a smirk. "You know, in order for me to really feel that you aren't angry."

I just shook my head and walk out of the bedroom. Jun was fast to follow me.

"Aw come on!" Jun said as he follow close behind me as I headed for the living room. "Just one more!"

I continued to walk until I was just about to turn the corner into the living room. I stopped and Jun ran into my back. I turned around and crashed my lips into his for a moment before turning back around and continuing into the living room.

A few moments later, after a was already in the living room and sitting down, I heard Jun yell from the hallway.

"Thank you!"

They made up wow

I'm on March break but I'm really sick. I'm going to try and update a bit more this week but I'm not sure how much I'll be able to.

Hope you all enjoy this story!

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